VENEZUELA pais tan rico que toca vender el cabello para comer....

in #mujer8 years ago

Saludando a mis amigos de Steemit hoy volviendo despues de durar casi una semana sin internet...
Decido plasmar en estas breves lineas una historia, tal vez la historia de muchas mujeres bellas, si bellas Venezolanas... que gracias a un nuevo negocio en Colombia les ha permitido percibir un dinerito para hacer algo de mercado... Hoy quisiera hacer mil cosas entre tantas decirle a toda la gente de Venezuela q gracias a Steemit pueden tener un ingreso para poder tener otra entrada economica... pero bueno mientras hago tantas cosas les contare brevemente
Desde noviembre 2016 aproximadamente surgio un nuevo empleo en Cucuta o especificamente en la Parada, y es "Comprar cabello a las mujeres Venezolanas" es un negocio redondo, sin importar donde ni como, se reunen mujeres y hombre a ofrecer dinero por el cabello de las mujeres que dia a dia van caminando por el puente intrernacional... una peregrinacion que dura aproximadamente media hora, el dia domingo 9 de julio se dirigio una amiga a la Ciudad en mencion... y ayer me relataba... que presencio cuando una joven de 19 años aproximadamente con una bebe en brazos lloraba mientras le cortaron el cabello, mi amiga gentilmente le pregunto porque las lagrimas y la joven le dijo no se de donde mas sacar para comprar la leche y los pañales y esta muy pequeña para darle comida de sal... en fin asi como esta y otras historias son ciertas memorias del exodo que se vive dia a dia en Tachira Venezuela... sin mencionar que por cada mechon de cabello te pagan de 50 a 70 mil pesos... lo que equivale a 200 mil bs aproximadamente o lo q es igual a 20 dolares americanos. En fin... aunque suene algo antihigienico o ilegal... no hay ley que tome medidas ante la situacion... igual, sonara fuerte pero es una entrada que por ahora tienen las damas venezolanas. Lo que si es seguro es que te dejan mutilado el cabello con el mismo largo pero sin tanto grueso... seguiremos luchando en Venezuela para q esas cosas dolorosas no sigan ocurriendo...


Greetings to my friends of Steemit today returning after lasting almost a week without internet ...
I decide to capture in these brief lines a story, perhaps the story of many beautiful women, if beautiful Venezuelans ... thanks to a new business in Colombia has allowed them to perceive a little money to do some market ... Today I would like to do thousand Things between so many tell all the people of Venezuela that thanks to Steemit can have an income to be able to have another economic entry ... but well while I do so many things I will tell you briefly
Since November 2016 about a new job has arisen in Cucuta or specifically in the Parade, and is "Buying hair to Venezuelan women" is a round business, no matter where or how, women and men meet to offer money for women's hair. Women who day by day are walking by the intrernational bridge ... a pilgrimage that lasts approximately half an hour, on Sunday, July 9 a friend went to the City in mention ... and yesterday she related to me ... that I witness when A 19 year old girl with a baby in her arms was crying while they cut her hair, my friend kindly asked her why the tears and the young woman told her she did not know where else to get to buy milk and diapers and is too small to give her Food of salt ... well as this and other stories are true memories of the exodus that is lived day by day in Tachira Venezuela ... not to mention that for every hair mechon you pay from 50 to 70 thousand pesos ... What equals To 200 thousand bs approximately or what q is equal to 20 American dollars. Anyway ... even if it sounds something unhygienic or illegal ... there is no law to take action against the situation ... same, it will sound strong but it is an entry that for now have the Venezuelan ladies. What if it is sure is that they leave mutilated the hair with the same length but without so much thickness ... we will continue fighting in Venezuela so that those painful things do not continue happening ...

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