Rivals of Ixalan Rares/Mythics review - The Five Colors

in #mtg7 years ago (edited)

The Rivals of Ixalan full spoilers were revealed today, throwing a wrench in my plans of writing a last minute Dragon Ball Super episode 122 "Thoughts and Expectations" video. Instead, I'll most likely write a review tomorrow after I watch the episode that night. So, DISCLAIMER!: I'm not very big into Standard as a format, so my thoughts regarding that format may be shoddy. I usually look at the eternal formats, so I'll be focusing on their applications through that lens. I won't go into depth on cards that are mostly Limited viable, but if I like their design I may point them out.

A visual Spoiler of the full set can be seen here at MythicSpoiler: http://www.mythicspoiler.com
(Any card pictures in this post are also accredited to them)


The Limited stuff:

  • Bishop of Binding
  • sorry buddy, just you!

Temple Altisaur

  • I don't have much faith in this card, but reducing any amount of damage dinos take to 1 sounds like it wins you combat AND makes enrage pretty silly.
    Sphinx's Decree
  • This is mostly a commander card with the "each player" clause, while the 2cmc and sorcery speed hold it back from most eternal formats I'd say. Silence just is better to me in any 1v1 formats.

Slaughter the Strong

  • Very strong against midrange decks, and even has game against control decks if their wincons have hexproof or shroud. Allows you to have versatility to sacrifice your creatures with less than 4 power, but also enables the opponents to do the same.

Radiant Destiny

  • Ascend is still an iffy mechanic to me based on the requirement, but I can see the strength of this card for tribal strategies in standard, mostly. Double restrictions are usually difficult to pull off in Modern or Legacy

Paladin of Atonement

  • This one is probably a house in standard, while its' viability in Modern/Legacy is iffy. Vampires have always been fringe, and splashing white may finally be something worthwhile due to this fella.

Zetapla, Primal Dawn

  • Ahhh, Keywords the Card. Will we ever get enough of you? I doubt it! While I do have a gripe with Legendary creatures just being a couple words and commas, I can't deny how powerful the big birdie's kit is. Reanimator target? Probably!

Trapjaw Tyrant

  • I think this guy has real potential! Similar to Angel of Serenity, but 2 cmc cheaper. Enrage could even be the most abusable way to utilize exile effects, yet makes it "fair" without other effects in place. I haven't done a ton of digging, but there are many ways to ping this big guy multiple times upon entering the battlefield.


The Limited Ones:

  • Good Job, Blue!

Warkite Marauder

  • Evasion is always powerful, and even more powerful is requiring two blockers to remove said evasive threat. The fact that their attack trigger can hit any creature the opponent controls makes him very powerful!

Seafloor Oracle

  • Is probably too slow for a Fish deck in eternal, but in standard this is some great card advantage for Merfolk

Kumena's Awakening

  • More expensive Howling mine isn't too bad, but with Ascend it becomes really strong. Might be used in Turns decks, but I really doubt it

Induced Amnesia

  • This card is yelling "Build around me!". I don't think I will, but the applications are obvious for combo decks. Has some utility in black based decks potentially to address threats revealed by a discard spell.

Release to the Wind

  • Delayed blink! The design idea on this spell is something I can really get behind as someone who loves cards like Thragtusk and Flickerwisp. Cards with Flash push this card to a much higher level of power as well.

Crafty Cutpurse

  • Token decks everywhere are crying over this card. @ me if you can hear them!

Admiral's Order

  • While I normally say Cancel variants are a no-no, the attack trigger clause on this could make it useful in some aggressive blue decks post board.

Nezahal, Primal Tide

  • First off, that art! I do like the attempt at an interesting Aetherling variant, but not having flash or stronger evasion makes me turn my head.

Timestream Navigator

  • Where Kumena's Awakening falls short, Timestream Navigator makes the finish line with plenty of time to spare (haha). two mana is a low initial investment, and it's a hard sell to a player to keep removal in against a Time Walk deck. While the main could be risky, siding these in game two or three could give you gamechanging inevitability.


The Limited Stuff

  • Tomb Robber
  • Champion of Dusk (Yeah I said it)

Vona's Hunger

  • Vona has a big appetite, as 10 permanents will be a tall order to fulfill for most strategies. Control will like this card for sure, but the relatively weak initial effect until you have the city's blessing might scare people away from this lady.

Mastermind's Aqcuisition

  • Black Toolbox effects always get me thinking, and I can't think of a card more toolbox than this one right here. While the restrictive mana could become a problem, maybe this could finally give a card like Blood Funnel enough juice to get the job done on a consistent basis.

Dire Fleet Poisoner

  • Hello, answer for wurmcoil tokens! Aggressive Mono B, RB, and Jund lists will probably utilize this card in formats to break through large midrange creatures in their way.

Champion of Dusk

  • 5 Mana is too much for my liking, but a Vampire midrange deck might use this as a singleton to grind out victories against certain matchups.

Tetzimoc, Primal Death

  • Deathtouch on a big creature makes me visibly ill. Looking at you Grave Titan! I actually love the reveal ability however, and not having a cast trigger on this dino makes him tempting to try and run a Jund Reanimator strategy in Modern.

Twilight Prophet

Controversial: I hate this card. In decks that want this type of effect, the mana and ascend costs are too steep. For the decks that can afford the costs, do they really want a 2/4 for 4 that does nothing? I really doubt it.


The Limited Ones:

  • Silverclad Ferocidons
  • Tilonhall's Summoner

Form of the Dinosaur

  • I don't appreciate the tactless namegrab for recognition, but I think the effect itself is interesting enough to get brewers in modern thinking.

Dire Fleet Daredevil

  • I wish First Strike was flash, but I'll take the combat utility any day. Working similar to a Snapcaster Mage, maybe this can be used against blue decks to burn some of their actual snapcaster targets before they get to use them!

Brass's Bounty

  • Doubling your mana is never a bad thing, and this could actually be a pretty sweet way to gain the city's blessing. Could find a place in a strategy designed to abuse land untapping?

Blood Sun

  • "You can copy me, just change it up so we don't get caught". Bravo, Wizards: you made a card that can be used ALONG with Blood Moon! Decks like Tron and Cavern Tribal will appreciate this a whole lot more than just about everyone else.

Etali, Primal Storm

  • Huh. I'm not exacty sure how to evaluate this, but giving it haste would be pretty silly. Potentially two spells for free is a one way ticket to Crazytown, but the randomness makes me want to shy away.

Rekindling Phoenix

  • If this weren't Red's only mythic, I would have had it in the Limited Ones. I just think this is probably the weakest Phoenix I've seen printed since before 8th edition.


The Limited Ones

  • Path of Discovery

World Shaper

  • Die triggers can always be taken advantage of. Amulet of Vigor loves this! The trigger not having to be based off of lands milled by his attacks is what gives this a viable push.

Wayward Swordtoooth

  • While this isn't Azusa, the dino has it's merits as well. The late game beater/blocker aspect of this makes me think the two can have a place in the same deck, as she helps accelerate the Ascend trigger.

Tendershoot Dryad

  • EACH upkeep? Sign me up! this card is pretty self sufficient in getting the Ascend trigger off, and the saproling boost could end games quickly.

Jadelight Ranger

  • Probably the best card for Fish in eternal formats in the set (Outside of Silvergill), this 3 drop packs a punch in value. Digging cards is always value, and the increased utility of adding counters once and filtering or twice on the same card is tempting. With a Lord of Atlantis or Master of the Pearl Trident online, this could be a 5/4 on turn 3. Scary!!!

Deeproot Elite

  • Honestly, the biggest thing holding this Elite back is his CMC. Jostling around at 2 drop with most of the lords in the deck and Silvergill Adept isn't a very advantageous spot to be in. Putting counters on any merfolk may have enough staying power to be used in low numbers!

Ghalta, Primal Hunger

GG for a 12/12 with trample seems pretty fitting, doesn't it? In Green Decks, the cost reduction will add up incredibly fast. Not being able to respond to the casting of Ghalta will leave many a Blue player sweat.


  • The card I want to toy with most in this set, Polyraptor's enrage trigger could end a game in one turn if not answered. Regisaur Alpha comes to mind right away, and the obvious inclusion in enrage strategies will make for an insanely powerful wincon. Certain strategies may see a use in reanimating or cheating this one into play early and take the game over there.

Longwinded post! Most of my content will be shorter than this, but as a whole set is spoiled - it could be a bit of a drag. Tomorrow, I'll be posting a review of Dragon Ball Super ep. 122 and MAYBE a review of the lands, artifacts of the set. I'd appreciate anybody's thoughts on the cards as well, try to change my opinion!! Thanks for the read, and have a good one everybody!


welcome to steemit. I hope you will do great and remember me when you are rich

@skyme Likewise! That gold coin on your forehead might make you better off than I am currently though haha

Great post! lots of good information here. Can appreciate the work put in =]

@kwjeagle Thanks a ton! I put a lot more work into it than I initially thought I would, but turned out as something I'm pretty proud of. I'm glad you liked it

If you're into Dragon Ball at all, I posted a SPOILER review of the latest episode of Super, I'd appreciate if you gave that a look as well! :)