Green Monkey DNA Found in COVID-19 Shots

in #mrna2 years ago (edited)
People were warned that these very Dangerous Experimental Ineffective mRNA gene therapy Injections were a health hazard, yet the vaccine pushers vilified, smeared reputations, spread lies, disinformation obfuscation of the truth and so on. The truth continues to come out. ⬇️

The COVID-19 shots are turning out to be more of a time bomb than ever imagined. This new discovery of the presence of green monkey DNA, including tumor-linked viral promoters, in the jabs calling for an immediate halt in the use of mRNA “vaccines”.

The finding of DNA means the mRNA COVID-19 shots may have the ability to alter the human genome.

Even if genetic modification does not occur, the fact that you’re getting foreign DNA into your cells poses a risk in and of itself.

Microbiologist Kevin McKernan—a former researcher and team leader for the MIT Human Genome Project—has discovered massive DNA contamination in the mRNA COVID-19 shots, including simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters.

National Citizens Inquiry (NCI | CeNC) ⬇️

All Cause Mortality has been well documented and proven that Covid vaccination Campaigns have caused mass 'All Cause Mortality' with irrefutable evidence.

🚨 Breaking: New paper shows that Covid vaccines increase risk of myocarditis by 13,200% ⬇️

Myocarditis Cases Reported After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in the US From December 2020 to August 2021

Based on passive surveillance reporting in the US, the risk of myocarditis after receiving mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines was increased across multiple age and sex strata and was highest after the second vaccination dose in adolescent males and young men.

Tracy Beth Hoeg's Opening statement at today's Congressional hearing on the topic of the assessing the CDC failures. ⬇️

Testimony of @TracyBethHoeg giving absolute and documented proof that the CDC DID NOT "follow the science" but in-fact DID THE EXACT OPPOSITE:-lengthy school closures -ignored myocarditis -censored scientists re masking kids.

Some of us said this year's ago and were ridiculed to no end.
It was all nonsense.
It was all dehumanizing.
It was all intentional.
It was all to force compliance.

