My Top 8 favorite Movies of 2017...So Far

in #movies8 years ago

Last month I made a post about my top 10 best and worst movies of 2016 and this year their have been a lot of awesome movies that have already made my list. so since we are half way thru the year I want to share with you guys my top 10 best and worst movies of 2017 so far. Keep in mind that these are my personal picks for best and worst.

8) The Founder

This movie is about the truth behind Mcdonalds, and how it was stolen from the Mcdonalds brothers. Its a sad look at the way business people will do anything to get what they want. The movie really reminded me of The Social Network and Micheal Keaton does a fantastic job. If you like the social network this is a must watch for you. It definitly gave me one more reason to hate Mcdonalds


7) King Arthur Legend of the sword

Let me just start of by saying that its a shame that people put to much stock in numbers that come from rotten tomatoes and metacritic. I dont know why critics shit on this movie, because its actually a lot of fun. The effects look cool and the way the story is told is face paced and entertaining. I really enjoyed it and I hope more people check it out.


6) Free Fire

This is totally my type of movie. A gun deal, in a warehouse, with a bunch of idiots, what can possibly go wrong. This movie reminded me of a Quentin Tarantino movie so much. It just has that funny attitude while the story is taking place. The movie is so over the top and every character has their own quirk. Great original movie.


5) Case for Christ

A lot of people wont check this one out just because its a christian movie but you definitely should because its not just a good christian movie, its a good movie in general. Its a movie based on a true story about a man that truly challenges his own beliefs and tests his beliefs. I think a lot can be learned from this movie.


4) John Wick Chapter 2

Before this movie came out I was wondering how they could possibly make a better action movie then John Wick and they did an awesome job. If your a fan of action movies John Wick 1 and 2 are a must.


3) Wonder Woman

I gotta say it, this movie was really good! lets face it the last 2 DC movies were fucking trash (I am not a Marvel fanboy I am actually a DC fanboy) and its good to see them make a great movie again. I was so surprised by this one. I had a feeling it was going to be good but I did not think it would be that good. Something I really liked about this movie was the writing. The side characters were awesome and the movie really touched on some of the horrors of WWI. I also liked that is was not a feminist movie.


2) Baby Driver

This movie was on my radar since the moment I saw it and it did not let down at all. everything is this movie worked perfectly for me. The music, the characters, the story. More people need to see this awesome movie. just go and watch it trust me.


1) Logan

And Last but certainly not least, my favorite movie so far has been Logan. Oh man this movie will stick with me. Wolverine is my favorite marvel hero and they did it so right for this one. It made me emotional and it was the perfect final movie for wolverine.


Thanks for reading guys! I hope you enjoyed. What have been your guys favorite movies so far? what are you most excited for that is coming out in the later half of the year? let me know down in the comments. Stay tuned for my top 10 worst of the year so far, and follow me if you want to get game reviews and discussions


Ufff!. Logan make me cry man.

yeah it was a hit to the gut

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When I first watched Wonder Woman's trailer last year in July 2016 ( The best in my opinion compared to the ones that followed ) I guessed that for once the movie would be as good as the trailer. And it is. I agree with your selection.

thanks! oh yeah the first trailer was the best!

I love most of those movies thanks @tga1108

The best film for me is John Wick, even more than logan and I hope that the next film of John Wick.

John wick was epic. arguably one of the best action movies ever made