Netflixing: Moonrise Kingdom

in #movies7 years ago

Wes Anderson might be something of an acquired taste.

For if the viewer is unaccustomed to wide-angle shots of symmetrical setpieces captured at horizon level, with actors looking directly into the camera, giving the feel more of a televised stage play than of a motion picture, they may find his approach to putting.

Likewise, if the viewer is unfamiliar with deadpan performances of characters behaving with a self-seriousness that belies their station, in a stiff-lipped satire that exposes the incredulity of social structures, and often includes animals and/or children spouting lines that intentionally sound like they were written for adult parts, they may not appreciate the nuance and layering of the work.

Perhaps most interesting of all is that Mr. Anderson's style---which is instantly recognizable---is present both in his live action films as well as his stop motion animated films.

And while Moonrise Kingdom is not his best movie (*cough* *cough* Isle of Dogs *cough*) nor his worst (*cough* *cough* The Royal Tenenbaums *cough*), it remains one of his best remembered and most beloved works. With a fabulous cast of both A-list actors and complete newcomers, a beautiful naturalistic setting, a delicious tension between the serious and the absurd, there's a lot to take in here. I'd have to be a complete prick to even try.

Anyway, let's get started.

The Story

Two twelve-year-olds, one sick of her oblivious and unsupportive parents, the other an orphan stuck at a scout camp, decide to---for lack of a better word---elope together.

That's pretty much the entire story. It happens on a couple of fictional islands off the coast of New England. There is a hurricane on its way to their location that acts as the story's ticking time bomb. In the meantime, we have two young people starting a life together, and a host of authority figures trying to stop them.

There is the bumbling police chief, who is more competent at having secret affairs with local housewives than with rescuing anyone in danger.

There is the straightlaced scoutmaster who treats his job like the world depended on it.

There are the scouts, who behave like their organization is military preparatory training (which, for most of its life, the Boy Scouts of America actually was), are armed to the teeth, and approach the simple problem of a scout's resignation as if they were living out the plot of Fullmetal Jacket.

And while the pacing may be slow at times, the parts that move the story along are quirky/insane enough to keep the viewer invested. The love story between the children is adorable, and the chemistry between their characters is real, albeit delivered with strategic deadpan. It's easy to root for them, even though their relationship would likely never work in the real world.

Likewise, we are frustrated at all the adults in the room trying to break up the young couple, especially considering that none of these adults can claim the moral high ground, with their own moral and intellectual failings. Yet we also sympathize with most of these characters, as we realize that their foibles are not born of malice or narrowmindedness, but from the ordinary human inability to live up to our own ideals, and while our ideals condemn us for not meeting them, they also ennoble us as we strive to obtain them.

The Archetypes

One great thing about Moonrise Kingdom, and perhaps about Wes Anderson films overall, is how the story rescues orphaned archetypes that still hold iconic value, even though they have been neglected by storytellers for decades.

Sam and Suzy, our two romantic leads, are like something out of the silent movie era. For all his shrimpiness, Sam is written as a ingeniously masculine hero, with top-notch wilderness survival skills, gentlemanly disposition, and single-minded devotion to his bride. Suzy, likewise, is courageously feminine, choosing love over family, at times prim and coy, patient with Sam's displays of chivalry, yet also hot tempered enough to defend their relationship with violence.

Comparisons with Romeo and Juliet are appropriate, with the caveat that Moonrise Kingdom depicts a relationship that is both more innocent and more mature than what we find with Shakespeare's most celebrated romance. Sam and Suzy don't compare each other to the sun or to roses or any such poetic heights. Their love is more practical, like a young husband and wife starting out in their first house. It is fun to watch them build a life together, and it charms in ways that few other love stories do.

My Judgment

Wes Anderson is one of those delightful and rare breeds of creative people who can be both wildly artistic and deeply entertaining (well, most of the time, anyway).

I still prefer his animated outings to his live-action ones. Yet, I have to say that Moonrise Kingdom is a delicious movie. It suffers from a little slowness in the middle, but there is no part of it that does not feel rich, like a layered, dark chocolate dessert. It is high satire with heart, and that's a hard thing to come by.

That it can be freely enjoyed on Netflix is a boon to us all. I recommend that you add it to your list and watch it at your next availability.

Previous entries in the Netflixing series:

Past Years

TV Shows

  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Season 5
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
  • The Joel McHale Show, with Joel McHale
  • John Mulaney: The Comeback Kid
  • The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Season 4
  • Trollhunters, Season 3
  • Aggretsuko
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Season 4
  • Trollhunters
  • Round Planet
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Season 3
  • A Series of Unfortunate Events, Season 2
  • Kakegurui
  • Planet Earth II
  • Fullmetal Alchemist
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Season 2
  • Revolting Rhymes
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Season 1
  • The Polka King
  • Little Witch Academia
  • Movies

  • Mary and the Witch's Flower
  • The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
  • Coco
  • The Iron Giant
  • Jaws
  • Phantom Boy
  • The Boss Baby
  • Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie
  • Strictly Ballroom
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    I didn't watch this movie! I think it's happened due to the Category of the movie is at Romance! Personally I am not watching that category! So I missed it! I will try to watch this movie and great review you made about it!@talanhorne,


    I'm gonna watch it i liked your review so i want to try it :). Regards

    This is great post. very interesting Netflixing movie and really good think.

    have a great day @talanhorne

    @talanhorne - Sir it's a good review... I like to watch romance... Specially youth based romance... So, I'll watch this film Sir... Thank you & get well soon Sir...


    A wonderful review and completely agree with you, my friend, that the Moonrise Kingdom deserves our attention and a very good film to watch! Thank you @talanhorne

    Hello @talanhorne,

    Extraordinary good movie review & writing. Incredible effort & perfect outcome of the article.


    Now you are in the MinnowsPower Loyalty Member List...!!! @talanhorne

    Exceptional writing & a review of a netflix movie...!!!

    100% Upvoted by @MinnowsPower

    Looks like worth a try.
    Thanks for the review

    The plot of the movie looks so nice & interesting. Excellent review & writing of it. Thank you.

    Great and amazing reviews. I really loved to watch Netflix movies in my spare time with my friends. I appreciate your work @talanhorne sir.🤗💙💚

    Thanks for sharing this post.

    Have a wonderful day!

    That is professional & Excellent writing . so great experience.

    100% like and resteem @talanhorne

    impressive writing & excellent judgement you provided with it. thank you & nice netflixing movie review again. @talanhorne

    reteemed & upvoted@resteemia

    Moonrise Kingdom under netflix series. After reading story I felt this is better and definitely watch movie to my list. Thanks for showing glorious movie.@talanhorne, Excellent review of

    Cool movies that are very fun to be enjoyed by all ages. In addition to entertaining, there are life values ​​that can be used as guidelines in life.

    And while Moonrise Kingdom is not his best movie (cough cough Isle of Dogs cough) nor his worst (cough cough The Royal Tenenbaums cough),...

    Your review with recommendation is very important to me and you say “it’s worth watching”, I’m listening. I’m putting “Moonrise Kingdom” to my watchlist. I should be able to watch it this weekend.

    Wow nice movies and great post.thanks for sharing

    Upvote Resteem Thank you @talanhorne

    There is the bumbling police chief, who is more competent at having secret affairs with local housewives than with rescuing anyone in danger...

    I guess these children being in love with each other are on their own. They seem to be the only sane once in town after reading your review. Anyway, I’m anxious to watch Moonrise Kingdom since action doesn’t seem to lack at all.
    Great and positive review!

    Great review .. I love Luke
    Thanks for this awesome details

    Netflix is ​​really good!

    Movies that are extraordinary and full of moral values, either implicitly or explicitly.

    That was a great post to check out thanks for sharing your judgement on this :)

    Exactly better introducing blog of new Netflix movie. There so many attractive places. Nicely introduce every characters.

    I have hope to watch Moonrise Kingdom very recently. Explained much better, known what kind of film to us. It's priceless writing @talanhorne.

    This a great Netflix movie review.... The story of Moonrise Kingdom is nice ... and thank you so much for your nice Netflix review... I always inspired .

    The Story sounds pretty nice !

    Thanks for the review !

    For your post propagation.
    Upvote/ResteemAmazing post &Excellent writing. @talanhorne thank you.

    Now a days i can't find a way of time for watching movie, but your movie inspire me.

    Really excellent review of Moonrise Kingdom under netflix series. very interesting Netflixing movie my dear friend. Your writing skills are like a professional writer. Thank you very much for sharing with us

    One of my favourite movies of all time. I love that first bird scene ahhhh @talanhorne have a great day

    I don't know why, because I usually cannot stand films like this, but I absolutely love this film and have watched it about 20 times in the last week. Definite inspiration for Media coursework and such. Cinematography is gorgeous.

    I think good movie lovers must have Netflix because Netflix prioritizes selected films that are of good quality and suitable for all ages according to age categories. In addition, the films on Netflix are full of inspiration and good life values.

    This is the first film in a long time that I've turned off before the credits. I was bored, and almost frustrated at how self-satisfied and "whimsical" it all wanted to be. The forcibly dulled-out dialogue resulted in a love story that felt far less than genuine, the comedy was flat (aside from the tree house gag at the start), and the characters were boring. The cinematography and such is an absolute peach, but the story and characters that carry it just had absolutely no resonance with me. Don't get me wrong, I love Anderson, I love weird films, but I absolutely did not get this one.

    I added The Grand Budapest Hotel to my watch list since long time. I always skipt it and then i watched because there was almost nothing to watch. Since that they, i watched all Wes Anderson movies. First time i can say "I love a director with no doubt" This was also great movie.

    You know, i really adore Edward Norton, he is such a versatile actor, this is the same guy that plays in American History X, The Italian Job, Fight Club and 25th Hour.. yes he played the Hulk also, but that movie sucked so we don't talk about it.

    I've watched the movie and I think it's pretty decent

    nice way to writing. great you talanhorne thanks........


    sir wonderful writing .your good ideas and writing have been fulfilled.
    This is great article and good advice.
    Resteem service

    A good movie review & nice love story with an interesting plot brought by that film. Excellent summary & good recommendation.

    Yet, I have to say that Moonrise Kingdom is a delicious movie. It suffers from a little slowness in the middle, but there is no part of it that does not feel rich, like a layered, dark chocolate dessert.

    The movie nicely reviewed & provided a professional judgement at the end.

    I will watching movie at free time. thanks for sharing.

    I will try to watch it. Good review dear

    I think it looks really good.

    I prefer Police character there. He was awesome acted inside movie. Well enough consideration @talanhorne.

    A great review and I guess it's a must watch.
    I'm going to watch it as the story is pleasing.

    I love your review sir surely i will watch it,thanks a lot for your love and support.

    Netflix is adorable, i have no words for complment of these episodes.

    Moonrise Kingdom is amazing sir i am a great fan of you sir,loving this series.

    The way you explained the story is really amazing @talanhorne.

    Loving your reviews a lot sir,thank you so much for sharing.

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