I met with One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest like 10 years ago. The book was in our highschools cirriculum eventhough I'm not really a hardcore book reader I loved it. However I found a chance to watch the movie of it 2 years later. I got a special method when I watch movies. I don't think about the movie in my first watch however if it is an interesting and complex movie I watch it multiple times for analysis. This week I wrote some article about Importance of Media Literacy skills. Lets use our media literacy skills on One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
What Does this Movie Tell us ?

Before I start my analysis let me warn you about something. I'm really great at ruining cult movies. Eventhough the story looks like about the series of events McMurphy faced in mental hospital , according to my observation it is a highly critical movie that shows the close relationship between authoritarian establishments and individuals.
Lets take a look to our main character McMurphy . He Has all the characteristics to be excluded from society. He is agressive , lazy and hedonist and he ended up in an asylum with his own will. Obviously that asylum symbolises something deeper in that movie. It is just a pressure and authority system to keep individuals who are weak and full of social fears in order.
Lets take a look to the patient profile in our mental hospital , the patients are definelty not mad. They are just overly sensitive and they think that they will get harmed in a world without rules and they think the most suitable place for them is this asylum.
McMurpyh's effort to introduce outer world to them is mostly for nothing. The taste of freedom means nothing to them because they were happy about their lives which is regulated from someone else and nothing bad will happen to them in this safe space. They don't have anarchy in their dictionary , they mostly nag about it but for their own good they prefer a controlled life.
What is this hospital a Microcosm ?

It is highly possible , because if aren't we all lunatics of our own system ? Our own sociatal rules are limiting and opressive too. I don't think we are different than the patients in that hospital. Because most of us don't like to surpass our borders. I don't see any diffrences between social norms and hospital rules. Eventhough Mcmurphy is aware of the absurdness in this institution , his effort to change become meaningless at the end because authorities don't react well to anarchists.
At the end Hospital decides to give him a Lobotomy instead of kicking him out of the system. Now there isn't anybody to show the absurdness of the authority . Now he is like everyone else an ideal boy of the society.

Jack Nicholson happens to be one of the best, most talented actors to ever set foot in the industry. One flew over the cuckoo's nest is some of his best work! The way he inspires others around him, handles everyone with their shortcomings at display throughout, and the relationship building as the movie goes forward. The sad bit is that the suicide of his friend and his own lobotomy is the result of his exceptionally caring and selfless attitude towards the fellow inmates. Absolutely heartbreaking... One of those movies that you lose sleep over.
Couldn't have agreed more!
Oh I love jack nicholson and I think I watched this movie 3 times or something it never loses its charm
This is one of those movies which can be watched over and over again. Just as psychotic, but differently, a performance as Here's Johnny!.
Excellent writeup, and no you didn't ruin it. ;)
Wendy, I'm home! :O
I swear! The shining - another AMAZING one
Oh man tell me about it I love that one too maybe I should write about it some time
You have such a captivating way of writing, do write about it!
The scale of depth in your analysis is ... simply ... breathtaking.
This is far more than I could have ever anticipated simply by reading the title in my, otherwise lackluster, feed.
Normally when people ask, "Tuck, what is your favorite @Steeminator3000 article?", I usually respond with, "I prefer his early work".
That all said, today ... I realize ...
I have been living a lie. =/
Every bit of my soul was shaken by your break down of this classic. This is by far ... your best work.
Some say that when you think about it, everything is art, but you my friend, have proven this to be nothing more than a fallacy promoted by posers with no talent or eye for genius when it manifest itself directly in front of their cranial orb.
Cheerio to you my Turkish Oil Wrestling Yoda! May you continue expanding my knowledge of sports foreign to me ... and my capitalist friends! We have learned so much from your daily instructional training.
For example, just last night I purchased some KY Jelly and my wife and I tried the "Turn to the Sky" move you have spoken of on more than one occasion.
She was unsuccessful, probably due to her being much shorter than I, so perhaps you could give some tips on the proper use of the TTTS move when your opponent is taller.
Anyway, I've gotten off track. You're simply one of the more successful people on Steemit suffering from MDP.
May only the best oils flow your way!
I guess I'm going to cry I never seen someone wrote a touching and long comment in the history of steemit. Thank tuck I wouldn't develop this far without your yoda lessons. Also MDP good or bad ?
MDP is the best! Click the link.
mad and genius knows art.
Lol thanks :D
Perfect analysis to a movie embedded deep within my soul.
Will 'crypto' get the fate of McMurphy by authorities too?
I was really expecting this question from someone haha Probably
Yeah :D I mean, just look at the car industry for one, when the first water fuel cell car was invented... how innovative and revolutionary it was but it never saw the light of day. Authorities (oil industry and governments) buried it along with the inventor and then the electric car... buried as well until they decided it was the right time only after getting their fat hands on it... this is their method of operation. Crypto will not be any different no matter how I romanticize a different outcome, sadly.
great stuff glad to upvote :)
if you like check my post :
Hey, great post. One flew is one of the movies that made me decide to become a filmmaker. I think that one of the reasons that the film captured that individual vs oppressive regime was that the director Milos Forman was himself an exile of the communist regime. After the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 he fled to New York. In interviews, he's mentioned how his experience with the communists informed his decision on the set of Cuckoo's nest. I enjoyed the read. Check you my short article on Michael Apted's Up series, I think you might enjoy it. https://steemit.com/life/@paperbull/a-one-of-a-kind-cinematic-life-journey-with-the-up-series
Ah that is some great information man I didn't really know the story of the Director cheers I will definelty check it
really helpful post for us
keep it up.
and please friends follow me.
Good post in information move.
1st one is the best one!!
its too good!!
Τhe ideal way to decode movie messages, but how many current movies deserve such an approach!
Wow!! I have seen the movie many times in my teens. I was always a fan of Jack Nikholson and I was admiring his acting in this movie. It's the first time I see this perspective thank you for that. Upvoted
They just don't make movies like these anymore :((
good post followed resteemed upvoted
Thanks for showcasing this great movie, and Jack Nicholson was simply amazing.
: -) @roused