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RE: Not satisfied with the deaths of most of The Resistance forces (and common sense), The Last Jedi is now killing other movies too.

in #movies7 years ago (edited)

Hello friend Han.

We mice are sorry to hear about Bobba Fett. We would have enjoyed this movie.

We mice agree that purple haired lady should have told Poe the plan.

However, we mice reckon Leia could survive a brief period in space due to her Jedi abilities, particularly if she was within the ships shields. It is our understanding that Jedi space survival is previously noted in Star Wars Cannon.

Similarly bomber atmosphere is again protected from the vacuum of space by the ship's deflector shields. Think Death Star - there is no door in the tractor beam docking bay.


All objects create their own gravity. The bigger the object - the greater the gravitational pull. A massive First Order Dreadnought creates a huge gravitation pull. The resistance heavy bomber was an effective, low cost weapon in the fight against the mega ships of the First Order - using their own gravity against them.

Just the thoughts of two simple mice.



Excellent points you little scoundrels. I can give you guys the deflector shields and its effect on gravity. And Jedis can do all sorts of stuff we never knew about (like projecting themselves thousands of miles away).

But the parking violations alone were enough to cause a permanent face palm.

Although I do have to say I appreciate your positivity and willingness to see the good.