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RE: New Avengers: Infinity War Dropped - Let's Analyze It

in #movies7 years ago

I think that ethical is a point of view. He was also faced with the fact that his friend has an order of kill on sight, not ethical at all. I also think that the fact that for a few moments Tony was on his side shows that he was ethical. But, yeah, not telling Strak about his parents is a bad move, but understandable. Sometimes people avoid telling others important things to spare them the pain of knowing, and I think that Cap took it to a bad place, but I kinda get him as well.


Ethical is NOT a Point of View....Ethical is an understanding of Reality.....As a Story Consultant for nearly 15 years and a writer and indulging in Philosophy and an expert in POV and an expert in the Moral Premise, I can say that Ethics is one of the highest and most important tracts for a person to walk down. Kemet and all ancient societies spent an inordinate amount of time in the beginning of their civilization to CARVE OUT what is ethical....Whereas, in Modern History, the Nazis and their insatiable need for power thought that Culture and Ethics should be avoided.....Now when we look back at each society - Kemet vs Nazi - it's easy to surmise what happens when you avoid Ethics.....But as a new Steemer, I understand and respect your position.....

I understand your point perfectly, but it's just a movie. People tend to think that movies represent reality, but as a literature student I tell you that no medium represents reality. It can be used to discuss certain parts of reality. Saying that Cap is unethical is assuming that he is a person and not a character. You can look at him as a symbol of America and make what you want of that. But basically the fact that he treats Bucky as if he is Helen of Troy is a plot device. A better one then what they used in the comics.

You can't think of this as a movie, I think of them as tools of consciousness, they can either provoke enlightened behavior or stagnant behavior - that's the power of art and culture!

Actually they are using Bucky to indirectly insinuate an alternative lifestyle for Captain America.....You said it right, but take out OF TROY and you're left with Helen....Just think about it...

Everyone thinks about it. All of Tumbler thinks that they should just be a couple and that's it. All of the forced relationships of Cap and other women just feel forced.
I can't think of movies as tools, they get you thinking and start a conversation, but in most cases they will cause action, unless it's with people with mental problems. Books have caused more action then movies and I still can only view them as partial representation.
Also don't forget that most people are team Cap, so that says something. It could also mean that Chris Evans is really hot so everyone are taking his side.
Aldo I really love this conversation :)

Well, I know for a fact not to listen to the majority - Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays, tricked our entire nation into following his footsteps and he is the reason we even have advertising and marketing, so that explains the majority ruling fiasco.
And you have to think of movies as tools, if books and art were not a problem, why do you think ancient societies burned books and tossed out artwork when they invaded other cultures? Remember, the books were the first things they went for, not the PEOPLE. ponder that....
Remember, this is a nation that celebrates a man who got lost at sea and thought he was in India and destroyed an entire people who were already here and civilized and promptly states that he "discovered" a place where people already habitated.....
As for being Team Cap and women swooning over a guy's physical features, just go to your local mall and watch the millions of women with kids who got exactly what they wanted and now they spend their lives complaining about how bad men are....when they fell victim to the foolishness that these people obviously have played into....The comics seemed to be more in tune with the characters and now the movies are pushing too hard to change storylines based on marketing and advertising (Bernays again)....
As for loving this conversation, thanks, but these are the conversations we're going to start having everywhere cause it's time for us to take back control of OUR MEDIA....thank you again and let's keep it going...(raising my hand) it's HER TURN...(turning towards you)....go head....i'm listening....not waiting like rude people, i'm actually listening....

I'm Jewish, no need to remind me. Also it's people's conception that the media has a lot of influence, like a lot of people blame violent video games for violence in children, that doesn't make it true. Very few books had actual effect on reality, and they were written to have an effect. These days nothing has an effect, especially popular entertainment that is just there to make to buy merchandise, not an ideology. The media changes into what sells. I can't even count how many female centrist movies and tv shows got the green light because of Wonder Woman's success, everyone wants to have a new WW on their hands. Talking isn't going to change the media, you need to vote with your money because that's the only thing they care about. When the majority of people will not like Cap's movie, Marvel will change them. Also I feel a fix coming for most characters in Marvel, but I don't want to spoiler it for future movies (I'm not talking about the Disney/Fox deal).
Also remember that you can't change the past of your country, it is what it is.

Sorry, but you are completely mistaken. Media is a totally and very powerful entity, but the underlying power are its stories. Remember, all religions are based around BOOKS and STORIES, not opinions, culture, or ethics. Those stories are woven into the psychology and cosmology of its respective COMMUNITY. At its core, story is like a spiritual TATTOO in a person's psyche, so you may dismiss the power of media, but I will charge you to go read about 4 of Vance Packard's books and view a few documentaries on Edward Bernays and I trust that you'll change your mind. As for voting and talking about the media, I have mastered the Moral Premise, so it gives me the ability to drill down into the core of any story and understand its message. And your ideology about the past is also a bit outdated -- remember all ancient societies understood that time is cyclical, so to dismiss something cause it's in the past goes ABUNDANTLY against those ancient people that built pyramids and Stonehenge and Puma Punka...we have to secede those people were more advanced in every way than we are today, so if they all agreed on something, it is beyond being TRUE....Just something to think about....(leaning back)....(your turn).....