12 movies that will teach you about money

in #movies3 years ago (edited)

Hi guys, this post is concerning those who love movies and also love money. So sit down a take a good read.

  1. It's A Wonderful Life


It's A Wonderful Life features the most emotional and charming money moral of any film.
Since 1946, this has been the archetypal Christmas classic, with people sobbing into their leftovers.
George Bailey, played by James Stewart, is going through a difficult time and is contemplating suicide until he meets Clarence, his guardian angel.
In a succession of increasingly terrible situations, the pleasant guide shows Bailey what life would have been like if he had never existed.
The movie's ideals are firmly rooted in family, friendship, kindness, and love, which always prevail over money.
There hasn't been another heartwarming money story in cinema to date.

2 . Catch Me If You Can

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Leonardo di Caprio plays opposite Tom Hanks as Frank Abagnale Jr., a guy who had successfully performed cons worth millions of dollars before the age of 19. By posing as an airline pilot, a doctor, and a parish prosecutor, he conducted fraud to fund his extravagant lifestyle. His prowess for deception was noticed by the FBI, who after having caught him, used his expertise to help catch other criminals.

3.The wolf of wall street

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Once again, Leonardo di Caprio shines as Jordan Belfort, a smooth-talking stockbroker.
His extravagant lifestyle is supported by defrauding his clients of their money, spending it carelessly, and then collecting the commission.
Meanwhile, his deceived clients are losing money.
There are numerous lessons to be learned here.
Avoid the trap of rapid gratification, manage your success sensibly, and be wary of whatever greedy broker you put your money with.



Joy Mangano, the inventor of the Miracle Mop and now a millionaire, is the subject of this rags to riches film starring Jennifer Lawrence.
What is the message?
Never give up, believe in the power of your ideas, and don't be discouraged by setbacks.
Nothing beats the underdog's victory.

5.The full Monty

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Set in the North of England during a difficult economic slump, six miners seek work in an unlikely field to make ends meet.
They get a job competing against the Chippendales in a rival striptease performance.
We're not proposing you strip down to your underwear, but consider what other valuable abilities you have or learn a new one.

6.The social network

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The 2010 award-winning movie about the birth of Facebook tells the story of a young Mark Zuckerberg and the legal issues he encountered when the Winklevoss twins took him to court claiming he had stolen their idea. In the end, the twins won, costing Zuckerberg and a fledging Facebook a vast sum of money and a serious dent in pride. The moral of the story? Take proper legal advice and protect your intellectual property when starting a business, as you never know much it might cost you further down the line.

7.The Money pit

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Tom Hanks' classic, in which he and his partner buy a property at a discount price, certain they've found their dream home.
However, as the bill for repairs grows more and larger, it becomes evident that the house will do nothing but take their money.
Of sure, they should have paid greater attention to how they invested their money.

8.Oceans 8

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This 2018 film reimagines the classic Ocean's 11 with an all-female cast, demonstrating that women can be just as greedy and deceptive as men.
Debbie Ocean, played by Sandra Bullock, enlists the help of a competent crew to pull off a daring robbery at the Met Gala in New York City.
The team plans and executes the most stunning robbery in history, combining smart methods with unachievable glamour.

9.Slumdog milloniare

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This modern masterpiece, directed by Danny Boyle, was nominated for eight Academy Awards.
Dev Patel plays a Mumbai-born adolescent who becomes a participant on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.
No one can believe that this ghetto kid is getting answer after answer right.
However, as he approaches the last question, we learn how he acquired this information through a sequence of flashbacks.
Another epic tale in which the underdog emerges victorious.

10 .Jerry Meguire


Tom Cruise is a high-powered sports agent who decides to strike out on his own.
The film instills in us the value of individuals over money, self-respect above the corporate machine, and the importance of morals in business.
We learn that life is about more than money and that a person's worth cannot be determined solely by their financial worth.

11 . The pursuit of happyness

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Another film on our list that is inspired by a true story.
Will Smith portrays a dad who has been homeless as a result of a divorce and must undertake an unpaid internship while caring for his small son.
Despite all obstacles, he was able to work his way out of poverty.
This moving picture has a lot to teach us about perseverance, self-confidence, and never giving up.
However, we should remember the movie's admonition about planning ahead and having a backup plan.

12 . Capitalism: A love story


If you prefer your money lessons to be more straightforward, we have a documentary to round off our collection.
Michael Moore's film from 2009 examines the capitalism system in light of the recent financial crisis.
Moore investigates the social cost of corporate greed and raises concerns about where our pursuit of wealth will ultimately lead us, as well as where our humanity fits into all of this.