For me, Power Rangers was too campy, too childish, and just didn't entertain me. This reboot, I might check it out. If they're trying to overtly sex it up, they might eliminate some of that campiness that I found so annoying as a child. But then, child me had no problem watching godzilla over and over and over... and somehow that was completely different?
Is that the right link for Friday the 13th reboot?
The reboot for Power Rangers definitely went a new direction for the franchise there is even a quasi lesbian scene in it - something you would have never seen in the campy version. I liked the reboot quite a bit myself and hope they do a sequel in this style.
Good catch, thank you, on that Friday the 13th reboot article. Here is the correct link - I have to change the backlinks on that site. We had some problems with our links and some advertisers not being compatible.
I updated the article with my other What the Hell Happened articles. I will be moving them over here to Steemit in the future so if you want to get a head start on those the links are available.