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RE: New Avengers: Infinity War Dropped - Let's Analyze It

in #movies7 years ago

Yeah, this is a tough one to truly predict because they have strayed from the original storylines in the comics to "streamline" the timelines for eager audiences who don't want to wait for certain things to happen. As for being Team Cap, that's a NO GO - what he did was go against all known forms of Heroism and Etiquette to protect a known war Criminal. As the symbol of Pure Patriotism, Captain America's ethics should only be surpassed by Thor, not because of Royalty, but because of his regret for being such a bad Prince. In this regard, Captain America made some horrible decisions in Civil War and really, the sad thing is the entire movie is derived simply from HIS BAD DECISIONS. Had he decided to do the right thing, there wouldn't even be a Civil War. So now we have to ask, is he important cause of his bad decisions or how his bad decision caused an entire BREAK in the trust universe of Marvel itself?


I think his bad decisions are simply a plot device. The Russo brothers said that they want the Avengers to not be united at the start of Infinity War to make the planet vulnerable and they did just that. The real problem in Civil War is the governments. They choose to show the battle for New York and the destruction of SHIELD as the Avengers fault when it is actually the fault of the US government and the Avengers and Cap saved their ass. The UN also shouldn't have used orders to kill Winter Solider on sight, that's unethical and if they hadn't Cap might not have felt the need to intervene. So the governments the UN they all acted illogically, so that makes Cap look better. I guess you're team Iron Man, but from the general talks on the internet, most people are still team Cap.

It's not an either or decision....If this happened to you in REAL LIFE, it would be totally different. My point is that, as one of the most ethical of the Avengers, he should've done a better decision. When the brothers are speaking about they want and they want, that is where we digress, it's your job to make the story come alive on the screen, not to interfere. Sometimes, as writers, we get in the way of our characters and we force things to happen cause that's what WE WANT to happen and in the end....many times these are bad decision that cause havoc with the current story and the subsequent spin-offs. You must look at yourself and ask the simple question - can you imagine one of your best friends knowing someone who killed your parents and not telling you and when we push the question, was probably NEVER going to tell you? Just stop and think about that....

I think that ethical is a point of view. He was also faced with the fact that his friend has an order of kill on sight, not ethical at all. I also think that the fact that for a few moments Tony was on his side shows that he was ethical. But, yeah, not telling Strak about his parents is a bad move, but understandable. Sometimes people avoid telling others important things to spare them the pain of knowing, and I think that Cap took it to a bad place, but I kinda get him as well.

Ethical is NOT a Point of View....Ethical is an understanding of Reality.....As a Story Consultant for nearly 15 years and a writer and indulging in Philosophy and an expert in POV and an expert in the Moral Premise, I can say that Ethics is one of the highest and most important tracts for a person to walk down. Kemet and all ancient societies spent an inordinate amount of time in the beginning of their civilization to CARVE OUT what is ethical....Whereas, in Modern History, the Nazis and their insatiable need for power thought that Culture and Ethics should be avoided.....Now when we look back at each society - Kemet vs Nazi - it's easy to surmise what happens when you avoid Ethics.....But as a new Steemer, I understand and respect your position.....

I understand your point perfectly, but it's just a movie. People tend to think that movies represent reality, but as a literature student I tell you that no medium represents reality. It can be used to discuss certain parts of reality. Saying that Cap is unethical is assuming that he is a person and not a character. You can look at him as a symbol of America and make what you want of that. But basically the fact that he treats Bucky as if he is Helen of Troy is a plot device. A better one then what they used in the comics.

You can't think of this as a movie, I think of them as tools of consciousness, they can either provoke enlightened behavior or stagnant behavior - that's the power of art and culture!

Actually they are using Bucky to indirectly insinuate an alternative lifestyle for Captain America.....You said it right, but take out OF TROY and you're left with Helen....Just think about it...

Everyone thinks about it. All of Tumbler thinks that they should just be a couple and that's it. All of the forced relationships of Cap and other women just feel forced.
I can't think of movies as tools, they get you thinking and start a conversation, but in most cases they will cause action, unless it's with people with mental problems. Books have caused more action then movies and I still can only view them as partial representation.
Also don't forget that most people are team Cap, so that says something. It could also mean that Chris Evans is really hot so everyone are taking his side.
Aldo I really love this conversation :)