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RE: New Mexico Takes A Chunk Out Of Hollywood Plus The First American Indian Owned Movie Studio

in #movies5 years ago (edited)

Howdy ginnyannette! I agree, I can't wait. Tom Hanks doesn't make bad movies so that helps. I didn't want to make the post too long but why the movie is named News of the World is because Tom Hank's character is based on a real cowboy who would gather the newspapers from the big cities and then charge people 10 cents to read them the news! That part of the story is true. lol.

Are you guys under a shelter-in-place order? Hey what are you doing up so late???


And read it, ha. Sad, but funny too. My grandfather, born 1900, never learned to read even though he lived well into the 1970s. He would ask people at the bus station where things were and play it off like he just didn't see the sign that said what he needed nearby.

Still no shelter-in-place here. Governor is taking a lot of heat for it. I am sheltering in place despite it though, so I have been doing a lot of homeschool catchup and gardening. And general time wasting, frankly. I see you haven't missed a beat. Glad to see you here.

General time wasting. lol...somehow I kinda doubt that. I haven't been posting as often just because I'm busy working offline. No restrictions in the country!
That's an interesting story about your grandfather!