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I recently re-watched Cloverfield on IFC and I re-enjoyed it again. I saw that Netflix was coming out with this new series. I hesitate to invest time in watching a series that is really only connected to the Cloverfield universe in name only.

Based on your recommendations, I will give it a try.

I has been really a long to see you and read your film reviews. How is life going there? And major changes happened to your life?

As we discussed the other day I decided that I needed to start back at the beginning again. Perfect that they are all on Netflix. We just finished watching the origional Cloverfield and I have to say it was amazing!!!! Both my partner and I were n the edge of our seats the whole time and we were both loving the what's next aspect. Her favourite part was the subway tunnel scene which led to the triage unit where a great camera shot was capture. (I won't spoil anything here) As Sci Fi fans and people who love things like x-files this was a great portrayal of a disaster from the perspective of the average casualty of war. We are just about to start the second film which we haven't seen and then onto the new Netflix movie Cloverfield Paradox. I can see how people might not be into it. It is very much a love it or leave it kind of film. For us it is a solid 2 thumbs up and love it!!! I guess my Saturday is all filled up @hanshotfirst. My report cards are going slow now. haha

LOL. I am about to watch the first one with my son this afternoon. He has never seen it. My next post is going to be a Cliffs notes of the ARG.

Good luck with the report cards!

I am sorry if this is redundant. Did I tell you that I am part of an initiative here trying to encourage more educational content? It's called @steemiteducation. Check out the resteems. We can use as many good teachers as we can get.

No, I didn't know about this. I will certainly check it out this weekend. I have been thinking about different things that I would like to blog about. I'm a big sports fan and I love fishing so those things are easy one for me but I have also wondered how I could somehow provide educational content. Thanks so much for letting me know.

@hanshotfirst OK, so we made it through the first two movies we absolutely loved them. I gotta say, I'm really impressed with 10 Cloverfield Lane. This could be a stand alone movie with all the excitement it provided but then they tie in the whole alien piece with an epic finish. We are planning to watch the Paradox tonight.
As for the @steemeducation I think this is an amazing initiative. Is this something you spearheaded? I am very interested in submitting content for the forum. How that report cards are finished I might have a little extra time on my hands. I have read the entire blog and have been enjoying some of the posts as I have followed and have them coming through my feed now. The rules are great and makes perfect sense. I just want to be clean on how to submit. Do I just post an article and tag @steemeducation? I can't wait to start submitting. I have so many ideas.

I'm kind of embarrassed to admit I didn't even realize the first two Cloverfield movies were connected! Duh. Now I think I might watch the Cloverfield Paradox. Thanks for the review. Upvoted!

This is the first I've heard of the Cloverfield Paradox. These type of movies stand on the shoulders of H.P. Lovecraft, and of course, Stephen King (the "hippy Lovecraft" as I like to call him).

They seem to "ninja" market it to shake you up. I saw Super 8 too, but never caught those connections! The other low-budget success that used this tactic to some degree was "The Blair Witch" project. This is the classic horror mentality. The mind wanders, and a part of you accepts what you are seeing as real, or at least possible. We all have some appetite for a mystery, which is a key element of horror.

It sounds like they are taking it to the next level with "Paradox" and by opening up the proverbial can of worms (or wormholes) they've created something series-worthy. It worked for Stargate, so who knows?

I don't like what Abrams did with Star Wars, but with this type of movie, yes, he should shine. Matching a director with the right movie is like matching the right actor for a certain role. Gene Wilder, for example, will always be the real Willy Wonka to me.

Thanks for the insight!

@hanshotfirst, agree with your review. I liked the ninja drop from nowhere on Netflix, it is almost like the movie itself is creating a paradox. It is great post. Thanks for sharing

I love how well thought out and coordinated the movies are with each other. Add to that the use of new filming elements from the initial movie’s recording style to the recent movies marketing/lack of and I’m sold!!! Who wouldn’t want to reward cool new techniques!?!?!

I actually really like the other two movies. Super 8 was great too. I just got done watching this one and the intro to this one was annoyingly filled with propaganda that sort of soured the tone for me right from the get go. Abrams needs to get out of his ideological echo chamber and actually think before he starts yammering on about energy shortages. There are a million different things we would do to produce energy if we ran out of current sources before wasting a bunch of it launching hundreds of tons of hardware into space and feeding it unprecedented amounts of more energy (1000x CERN!). Then there was the anti Russia crap that just had me shaking my head.

After it got past that silliness and the real SciFi started it was actually a very enjoyable movie. I always like the alternate reality multi dimensional storylines. It's a great tool to write a story around and make things more interesting.

Great spying the Kelvin and Slusho. To me those two items make your theory at least plausible. Glad to see this series got into the head of someone else! I don't even watch the superbowl but my wife was at her parents party for it and she texted "New Cloverfield" and I went nuts, I didn't believe it..

I'm beginning to think Abrams is either insane or a evil genius!

Such a long detailed analysis/preview/review. Lol. Much different from some short pseudo-analysis I've read.

I must admit that I am to Cloverfield Paradox what you felt when you were watching that Transformers trailers those years ago: which is pretty clueless. I've never even heard of it before now. But thanks to you I'm as fired up as any fanatic!

I'll do my best to see it soon, and I hope I like it. Regardless of the criticism.

To be very honest you deserve a big salute for your write up as it covers each and everything in it according to the views of a movie lover. I am sure you must be script writer somewhere too @hanshotfirst ;)

Actually i did not watch yet The Cloverfield Paradox but after reading the review you urged me to watch this once for sure :)

Massive respect and best wishes for you, Stay Blessed

Steem On!

Just be aware, I am in the minority on this one. Most people hate it.

Well @hanshotfirst thanks a lot for the valuable advice My Friend :)

Always glad to met another fanboy/fangirl of the Cloverfield series, i have Cloverfield paradox on my to watch this, I'm going to watch it in a couple of hours, hope I have as much fun as I had on the last 3 movies (super 8 included ofc)

In case you didn't know, pure geekiness happens to be the most perfect girl-repellent ever devised.

I know xD I need to find a geeky girl for myself

I have not seen the new one or the first one but did see Cloverfield lane and I really liked it. So now I am going to be looking through the firestick for these as well. Thank you. I can feel your enthusiasm ooozing off the page well done, very well done!

Hello @hanshotfirst
Good evening 😀

Bravo Paramount and Bad Robot. You fooled me once again. But I vowed it would never happen again.

If they succeeded in fooling a geek like you, not once or twice, then I guess it's over for me. The way you illustrate your feelings and heart felt emotions are driving force for me to watch this movie. Although you've said the reviews are not at all good, I'm going to take out time to watch the movie and I guess till then, that's when I'll be able to get your geekiness and also know why the reviews are the way it is.

Oh man if steemit were around ten years ago, I don't think I would have ever slept. I would have written about Cloverfield 24/7

OK, I've gotten my drive now, for the above statement, I'm gonna go search for the movie online, download it and watch it.

Keep being awesome

I always follow your dear resteemit done..

That's the spirit after facing so many problems still you were focused on your task and if you stick to your task there may be delay but you will be surely succeed.Thank's for inspiring post,that will inspire a lot of people.@upvoted

I never watched any of the Cloverfield sequel. I tried watching this paradox but i guess i won't enjoy it as i didn't watch the previous ones.. Plus the critic reviews are just crazy.

Good job, resteem and upvote this post.

Great review you have done on Cloverfield Paradox. you did great job i appreciate ur work keep ur efforts like this u.
you have great skill of writing hope see more interesting reviews like this

thank you sharing this information because it is really mandatory for everyone and I am new here hope you will support me by your great guidance

you have done a great job sir..excellent one :)

Great to share...
this is the another terriffic movie...
thanks for the post.

not watched it but extra pumped to watch it now that your all hype about how they all fit together for you.

I've seen a theory that Life also takes place in the Cloverfield universe. Who knows

Thanks lol now i have to watch them again lol....good work on this post i enjoyed reading it

Cloverfield series is the best . I love those part . Last one is mind blowing . They always finished up a twist . we are eagerly watting for the next part!

OMG , this is an excellent story , thank you for this educative data, keep it up @hanshotfirst

I have to say your post is 1 of the best post, keep doing a good work

I check the news every week about it, praying to find something about the film.
In one or two years we will definitely be able to see the next movie.

Love your enthusiasm. As i stated my opinion before, it’s not necessary here. I just want to interject to say this is why it’s important for people, even when they don’t like something, to not put people down for liking said thing, and not being a total snob about it.

I can’t remember who said it first, but i heard a filmmaker mention that not everything had to be an amazing, award winner, what matters is that you can make a film, and that it can connect to someone—that it can be someone’s favorite movie. I think that’s special.

Good, steady, good luck on your success, long life and healthy always, do not forget also my post will remain in steemit

I wanna re watch these now lol

No No and oh NoI couldn't put myself through this again, the idea there is more to watch argghhh turning off straight away.

great :) good eyelash article wrote.

i very love this series of movies
after the super bowl i was waiting refresh page to listen cloverfield paradox.
upvote and follow !!!

I'll be honest. I purposefully avoided your post about the Cloverfield Paradox because I haven't seen it yet. I liked Cloverfield although most of us went to see after having a bunch of drinks and several people threw up. However I absolutely loved 10 Cloverfield Lane. I'm really looking forward to seeing the third one because I think the Cloverfield movies as a whole could make up one of the best trilogies around.

You got me. Now I've got to see them all lol. Great write up.

Interesting theory. And impeccable timing. I just reviewed Super 8 a few days ago. I would never have made that connection. But it is certainly an intriguing perspective. I was wondering where you were going with that four thing.

this is something i should i need to check out real soon after reading the post thanks for sharing :)

Good movie, like this


got to know that the 1st two movies are connected. nice one on this

When you said 'This then year long experience has been so much fun for me" got me convinced to see the movie, i think the first one I saw but my memory is not that sharp and i dont have notes

I really have to watch these movies in succession, I really enjoyed Cloverfield, I haven't even seen 10 Cloverfield Lane and I kind of enjoyed The Cloverfield Paradox, it was weird and I was having trouble with it because I couldn't understand what the hell was going on. I guess for me I have trouble seeing the connection but that's probably because I watched the cloverfield paradox drunk and I've never seen Cloverfield Lane... I wasn't enamoured like you are but you have given me a heck'n interest in watching these movies, in succession with all my attention!

Vote back

Personally, I love the Cloverfield paradox, I was hoping to see a monster.. But I'm glad they shifted the focus elsewhere. Hybrid network on YouTube has some good analysis on the next few upcoming Cloverfield movies, do check it out

Always your posts are very impressive
so nice and Good

I think this can be a awesome movie.

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