Same Kind of Different as Me (film) : Great cast, great idea, nice story; rubbish film

in #movies5 years ago

They really had all the pieces in place to turn this into a blockbuster tear-jerker film. The story is inspiring, the cast of Greg Kinnear, Renée Zellweger, Djimon Hounsou, and even Jon Voight were all in place, and the story it is based upon is actually something that happened.

Yet, somehow, this movie is just awful and I am not sure why that is.


Without revealing too much of the plot let's just say that a very rich family headed by Ron and Debbie Hall (played by Kinnear and Zellweger and are also portraying real people) in a roundabout way decide to become patrons of a homeless shelter in a very different part of town that they live in. The become actively involved in trying to help out their homeless community in Texas.


While volunteering there they are kind and helping towards everyone and this invokes several touching moments but Ron and Debbie are drawn to a particularly troubled member of the homeless community that is known by most as "Suicide" but they later fine out is named Denver (played by Djimon Hounsou - one of my favorite actors.) Their attempts at befriending him are initially met with aggression but eventually they break through and become friends.


What happens next is something that I can only describe as something that was meant to be touching and meaningful but unfortunately, either due to poor screen-writing or direction, becomes a convoluted mess that honestly, simply takes too long to get anywhere. Also, despite the fact that I really really like him as an actor, Hounsou just seems really static and boring in his portrayal of Denver but to be fair everyone else's character is really boring also.

Even once Jon Voight is introduced as a drunken, racist, patriarch... which I had thought might move the story a bit, is introduced, the movie just has this horribly slow and boring pace that just leaves us asking throughout the 2 hours that this movie is on... "where is this going and can we get on with it already?"

With such a star-studded cast (which is what drew me in in the first place,) it is truly amazing to me that this movie ended up being as terrible as it was. I have to admit that there were certain segments of it that still (despite the boredom) managed to bring some water to my eyes, but this had a lot to do with musical choices rather than me actually being moved by the scenes that were taking place or me being engaged with the story at all.

From the official Paramount Pictures channel

While I totally agree that the overall message of this film is profound and is something I truly want to be adopted by everyone... the movie is just really really poor. I am not a film-maker so I don't know exactly where they effed up but I don't think it is in one place. It's just a mess across the board.

A lot of the problem exists perhaps in the extensive reliance on flashbacks to explain Denver's predicament in life and this is not done well. During all of these sequences a relatively monotone Djimon Hounsou explains scene after scene to a completely quiet Kinnear and Zellwegger. At the end of all of these sequences Hounsou emerges with tears in his eyes and each one of these incidences are meant to be tear-jerking but since there are so many of them in the film, we get desensitized and honestly, it gets to the point where you just want something to happen in the film.

And therein might lie the problem - while the real story is touching it might not be exciting enough to warrant a film in the first place.

The movie is based on real-life events and don't get me wrong, i am not trying to take away from that (it was a best-selling book also.) All I'm trying to say is that a production company is capable of getting a hold of a good story, a great cast, and a decent budget, and still make a horrible film.

This is that film

Same Kind of Different as Me barely made back its budget of $6.5 million and after marketing, likely lost money.

My overall rating



I have never heard of this movie before and quite honestly, I thought that Jon Voight had passed away. It's a good thing George got his car before he went. (Sorry for the Seinfeld reference). It does seem like it should have been better than you are saying it was for the cast it had. Lot's of talent there that has covered any number of genres. Oh, by the way, I have been meaning to tell you and keep forgetting. Thanks for the upvotes lately. I really appreciate them and it has been nice to get the recognition.

Seinfeld references are always welcome here. haha

I think you hit the nail on the head. Not every true story males a good film. To make it interesting things need to be added and embellished which would then take away from the story itself.

LOL, you are a harsh critic.

On a side note I have started playing that Dragon Quest XI and am coming to the same conclusion as you. Starts well and then by Lvl12 it goes a little flat.

Having played both this and Ni no Kuni, you might want to avoid both and Ni no Kuni 2, as they play out in a similar manner. I do like the crazy stories though.. and the DQ one.

They are always bizarre.

Never heard of this movie, but I to blame poor directing and editing choices for not properly drawing in the audience and leaving them satisfied. Unfortunately your right.. Money lost..... POOF!!!

My first intro to... or should I say I first noticed.. Djimon Hounsou in the Gladiator. Not a huge role, but loved his calm way of sucking you into his character.

That was the first place I noticed him as well but i felt like he truly shined in Blood Diamond. He doesn't get many roles or at least not many roles that end up getting noticed. I also hadn't seen Greg Kinnear in a while. I think Greg's career kind of headed south after that one gig he had with Jack Nicholson in "As Good as it Gets"

As Good As It Gets.. haha. I remember that movie too. And that cute ugly like little dog Ridel or Radell or Verdal or something like that. He was the star of the movie! 🤭 hehehe Don’t tell Jack I said that.

This film seems like not to waste time and watch it, keep flourishing.

Posted using Partiko Android

You are EXCELLENT at writing movie reviews!
Have you met @readingdanvers? I found her blog on Carol Danvers some years ago and love her love of comic books (a legitimate form of literature!). She writes movie reviews too. E.g.

thanks for your compliments! I will have a look at this person... thanks for the recommendation.

Well said!

while the real story is touching it might not be exciting enough to warrant a film in the first place.
The movie is based on real-life events and don't get me wrong, i am not trying to take away from that (it was a best-selling book also.) All I'm trying to say is that a production company is capable of getting a hold of a good story, a great cast, and a decent budget, and still make a horrible film.
This is that film