New on Netflix: The Irishman

in #movies5 years ago

This might end up being the easiest review that i have ever written because of the fact that this thing had a powerhouse of talent including almost all of the mob-oriented actors from the 80's and 90's other than Ray Liotta, which i was personally happy was not included.

Basically, we have one of the best directors of our lifetimes working on a gangster film with the quintessential gangster actors of the past 30 years... This was always gonna be a sure thing and that is exactly what we were delivered.


For me, seeing DeNiro and Pacino in a film together was a wonderful thing but the addition of the elusive Pesci was the real kicker as this guy hasn't really had much to do with films in the past decade or more. I don't know about you, but he was always my favorite. This tiny guy managed to be intimidating as hell despite the fact that he had the least physical prowess of the lot.


While everyone's performance in the film was outstanding, it was Pesci who really stole the show and this isn't necessarily because he was better than the others; it is simply because he hasn't been around a great deal and it is only because of the momentous gathering of the "gangster greats" coaxed by Scorsese (and I'm sure a bit of money) that he was brought back.


The film is about Jimmy Hoffa and the people that surrounded him during his life as a Union leader. Just like the opening monologue suggests, I didn't know a great deal about him other than the fact that he disappeared and no one "knows" what happened to him.

This film attempts to explain, with an obvious level of ambiguity and speculation, about what exactly happened to "The Irishman." I'm being intentionally vague because I don't want to ruin anything for anyone who hasn't seen this movie. They may have taken a few liberties with the publicly available facts in their presentation.

The Irishman is extremely good for so many reasons and you should definitely Netflix and chill it, illegally download it, or do whatever you have to do in order to see it.

It is extremely long at more than 3 hours of runtime and even though I was really into it and the production value was unparalleled, I had to watch it over 2 days.

From the official Netflix channel

By the way, that might be the most brilliant trailer I have ever seen. If that doesn't inspire you to watch this film, i don't know what will.

Rolling Stone called this movie the "Movie event of the Year" and I personally believe there is a lot of truth in that as there is just so much contained in these 3 hours that explains, while it is happening, why this movie needed to be 3 hours long. They probably could have made it a bit longer and most people would have been OK with that.

This film was so highly anticipated that a bit of a war was started in the cinemas in the United States over it. As things heat up between movie theaters and on-demand services like Netflix, many movie theater operations (and there are only a few in existence in America) refused to show the film at all because Netflix has been extremely stern in their refusal to recognize the unofficial theatrical window of 2 months before films are available by other means. Therefore, this movie was available to watch in cinemas almost nowhere. I don't know how to feel about this really and that is another topic altogether.


I suppose we should just be glad it was made at all.

This film could be one of the best movies of 2019 although I believe it will be ignored at awards ceremonies because of the current "politics" surrounding video on demand services vs. theaters. Or it could end up being exactly the sort of art necessary to change what goes on as far as awards are concerned.

Overall, The Irishman is extraordinary and should be seen by everyone who has even a little bit of interest in the real Jimmy Hoffa, or any of the 3 main actors in the lineup. I honestly believe you will not regret watching this.

It could be history. Mark my words. This film may change the way that awards ceremonies are handled henceforth.

My overall rating 10 / 10



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Ooft, 10/10!! I thought it would be good. Will be settling down to watch it over the weekend!

I enjoyed it as well and is definitely worth watching. I noticed the Kennedy assassination has been linked to the mob on a couple of movies/series now for the actions he took once elected.I had heard of Jimmy Hoffa before, but had no idea how he fitted in and that I found interesting. These guys are looking way past their sell by dates and Pesci is looking his age.

There was something about them actually making Pesci look older than he actually is but at that point i was already up to 700 words so i skipped it. Basically they made DeNiro look younger in some parts but to compensate for it they made these guys who are past their sell-by date (lol, btw) look older than they are in certain scenes as well.

They had to make De Niro look younger as he had a family and had to show his kids growing up. I must admit some of the scenes they probably had very little make up. I thought it was funny watching them in prison as it was like an old age home.

Man, I am pretty good at sticking my head in the sand but I have been hearing too much about this not to check out... Thanks for putting me over the top on watching it.

This is the only thing that most everyone was talking about around Thanksgiving dinner. Not how good it was, but how they needed to carve out five hours of their time to finally get around to watching it. I have heard nothing but good things about it. I am sure my wife and I will sit down to watch it at some point. We will probably have to split it across days too because between the dog needing to go out and snacks and bathroom breaks for us, it takes forever to watch anything anymore! Thanks for the great review!

Haven't seen you recommend something so strongly in a while, it's a must watch for me then

Great movie but for me it's just a remake of some older Scorsese's masterpieces with the same story and same but older actors.

This is the second-longest film I have watched in my life, the first one being the Watchmen director's cut, and wow! it was certainly worth it to watch it in one sitting. You know the movie is good when time flies while you are watching it.

I see this as the perfect farewell from this old gang. If it wasn't for Joker this could easily be my favorite 2019 movie. I still haven't seen Once upon a time in Hollywood, but I doubt it's better than the Irishman.

Thank you for the review!
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There will be the time when the awards are not able to look away from Netflix. I am very curious if this time is now.

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I think will become increasingly evident that the various award committees are very biased and although this wont be terribly surprising to find out - they are and probably always were a corrupt bunch that have ties to certain types of film and don't want to admit that streaming services are the future.... hell, they are the now

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Yay! I am actually overjoyed because the trailer had already told me it's good but the length had me second guessing watching it yesterday. I will definitely watch today. Thank you for this as always :)


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