in the video at 0:07
Also this part of the scene was in the non extended version. I just couldn't find a quality version of the non extended scene on youtube.
I've always wondered if this movement was meant to be a part of the shot or if they just completely overlooked the fact that one of dead uruk-hai gets up slightly to watch what's happening.
On a side note viggo mortensen parrying a real dagger, wasn't supposed to be part of the scene either. Although this is kind of commonly known I just put this in for the people who don't know how of a badass that Viggo Mortensen is.
At 4:16 in this video:
You Flagging my post, but it did not specify the cause. in my post I have a source. so I did not give information as their own.
Perhaps you will be interested to learn the use of Flagging moments from this post: Flagging Etiquette and Practice
Good luck.
I flagged it because there was already a post about it done by one of the developers and I thought you were trying to make a quick buck by seeming like you found it.
you feel sorry for someone else for a quick buck? you are the sinless human in the world?
what's the difference what I want?
I live in my country at $ 1.6 per day. I'm a refugee. I left my home and live with strangers in their home. in my country there is a war.
but you feel sorry dollar! :)
you look at my posts. for they do not pay much.
I recommend reading the post a link to that I wrote.
topic is closed.