20 Best Business Related Movies/ 20个最佳商业题材影片

in #movies7 years ago

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One of my passions in life is enjoying film, so I thought with Chinese New Year holiday here that I would share some of my favorite business related flicks related to what I introduce to my Chinese MBA students and what some of my MBA professors have shared me with me. Whether not you are looking to improve your language skills, get a little background about an industry, or simply kick back an enjoy an evening, the below films are some of my favorites as they both entertain and educate.

Let me stipulate that I only chose movies that I have seen and that I think have have some relevance in today's business world. The list is very American centric (my apologies) and although I have rated them from 1-20 I think many could be interchanged in terms of what exactly the criteria you were rating them on.

  1. An Inconvenient Truth (2006) / 难以忽视的真相
    There is a reason that Al Gore won a Nobel Peace prize for his work that surrounded this film and the fact that the film is mandatory viewing in schools across the world. Kudos to Jeff Skoll's Participant Media for utilizing the true power of film to get a message out. This is about the environment not business isn't it? Make the connection.

  2. Network (1976) / 电视台风云
    Not sure that any film has ever stood the test of time quite as well as Sidney Lumet's masterpiece Network. At the current moment in US, I think a lot of people would like to go to their window and yell "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore".

  3. The Insider (1999) / 惊爆内幕
    Recently re-watched this during my Power and Organizational Politics class during my MBA. Al Pacino and Russell Crowe are simply amazing as they fight big tobacco in this Academy Award winner.

  4. Wall Street (1987) / 华尔街
    Gordon Gecko has to be one of the most iconic characters of the past 40 years. If you haven't seen this one then get on it.

  5. The Social Network (2010) / 社交网络
    As a huge fan of Aaron Sorkin, I found this movie extremely engrossing as it talks about the struggles of entrepreneurship and the toll business can take on friendship.

  6. The Big Short (2015) / 大空头
    Struggling to understand what caused the 2008 financial crisis, let the financial master writer Michael Lewis explain it to you in this adaptation of his book.

  7. Moneyball (2011) / 点球成金
    Another adaptation of a Michael Lewis book, Moneyball takes us through Billy Beane's experimental management style of the Oakland A's. A great look at how we can and should always be questioning the way we do things.

  8. Boiler Room (2000) / 抢钱大作战
    This movie can be summed up in a quote from Ben Affleck's great speech to the new stock brokers he is training. "They say money can’t buy happiness? Look at the fuckin’ smile on my face." Very entertaining flick.

  9. Up in the Air (I) (2009) / 在云端
    If you are going to get fired, might as well be by George Clooney. Interesting movie about a corporate jet-setter who starts to evaluate his life choices and priorities.

  10. Barbarians at the Gate (1993) / 登龙游术
    Ever wanted to know what happens in the mind of a CEO during a billion dollar corporate takeover? Check out James Garner as Nabisco exec who flies too close to the sun.

  11. Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) / 拜金一族
    "A-B-C. A-Always, B-Be, C-Closing" - This is the quintessential salesman's movie with classic zingers and fantastic acting.

  12. Other People's Money (1991) / 别人的钱
    I show the last scene with Danny DeVito and Gregory Peck fighting about the future of American manufacturing to all my MBA students. "You know, at one time there must've been dozens of companies making buggy whips. And I'll bet the last company around was the one that made the best goddamn buggy whip you ever saw." - Larry the Liquidator

  13. Working Girl (1988) / 打工女郎
    Mike Nichols teaming up with Harrison Ford, Melanie Griffith and Signourey Weaver to give us a great movie about how about a woman getting a big break to climb the corporate ladder. "I have a head for business and a bod for sin. Is there anything wrong with that?"

  14. Michael Clayton (2007) / 迈克尔·克莱顿
    Clooney back again as a New York fixer who comes in to help fight for the "little guy" against a chemical company poisoning a struggling community.

  15. Bhopal: A Prayer for Rain (2014) / 祈雨
    A little known movie about a truly tragic true story about a disaster in India when a manufacturing plant refuses to follow all the compliance standards necessary. Another one I recommend for all B-school students.

  16. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005) / 屋内聪明人
    Second documentary I chose. Here the subject matter is regarding the Enron scandal. Should be mandatory for all B-school students as it gives a great guide on how creative accounting can be a slippery slope.

  17. Erin Brockovich (2000) / 永不妥协
    Steven Soderbergh teams up with Julia Robert's to tell the true story of the fiesty Erin Brockovich who is still fighting for the environment in California.

  18. Office Space (1999) / 上班一条虫
    So many serious movies so had to throw in one comedy. If you haven't seen Mike Judge's classic office comedy, it is a great one to kick back to after a long day at the office. "Hi, Peter. What's happening? We need to talk about your TPS reports." -Lumbergh

  19. The Corporation (2003) / 企业人格诊断书
    Why is a corporation considered a person? Find out in this great documentary about the evolution of the corporation. Another B-School must as it lays out the history of the modern day psychopath i.e. a lot of corporations.

  20. Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014) / Couldn't find Chinese name
    This is a small independently made documentary that I found absolutely fascinating. There is a reason that Christian Bale's character in The Big Short is investing in water! Did you know it takes like 100 gallons of fresh water to get a gallon of milk??

Seen them all? Here are more great movies that I didn't include because they are either a.) too old b.) too well known c.) too mob focused or d.) too lawyer focused

Others: Godfather I,II,II – Citizen Kane – Modern Times – Hudsucker Proxy – It’s a Wonderful Life – All the President’s Men – The Apartment – Goodfellas – Jerry McGuire – The Wolf of Wallstreet – Rogue Trader – Food, Inc. – Too Big to Fail – Floored – Tin Men – Inside Job – I.O.U.S.A. - The Founder

Please share any that I may have missed and let me know what you think! Happy viewing!

Looking for even more business related movies? Check out below:





