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RE: 🎬The Man the High Castle - what if Germany won the Second World War - REVIEW without spoilers

in #movies7 years ago

Anyone who studied history would know that Germany and Japan were never meant to win. They were patsies. Think about it. You don't just up and start a war. To have a war, you have to have weapons, airplanes, oil, steel, etc. Germany and especially Japan have nothing, at least on the size that made them what they were. They especially didn't have the money to create such military might. They were constructed and set up by the global elite. Why do you think companies such as Coke and IBM were in on both sides? Bush family supported nazis. The current royal family of england supported the nazis.

now you have to ask yoruself: Why were so many people, elite families and common germans, so stupid as to support the nazis, who are so obviously bad? Well are all these people so stupid and are the nazis so obviously bad? Who says? "History is written by the victors." And just remember, these victors are so vicious that they created 2 world wars. You think they're so compassionate that they would tell you the truth?


Yes, you are absolutely right, but right now we discuss a TV show. It's a fantasy.