Tron Legacy - Movie Review

in #movies6 years ago

Anyone who survived the 80s, with Mall Hair (or Flock of Seagulls coifs), Leg Warmers (gag me with a spoon), those Desperately Seeking Susan Gloves, Rubik's Cubes, jelly shoes and Member's Only jackets...owes it to themselves to see this film. Even if none of those horrible 80s fads made it into this film (aside from some Journey and The Eurythmics), the very concept of Tron is steeped in eighties culture.

This review is going to be fairly straight-forward. There is not a whole lot to say about the film. Everyone is doing 3-D movies even when it doesn't add dimension to the story. It seems like Hollywood can't resist churning out garbage like Toy Story 3 in 3-D. With the awful glut of worthless 3-D movies we have seen, the format fits this film. Tron: Legacy may not be thought-provoking, but it is great eye candy. The CGI was amazing, allowing two versions of Jeff Bridges (one young, one old) to do some pretty amazing things. The animation transports viewers to an incredible 3-D world where it seems there are no limits. While Tron: Legacy can't touch The Matrix, the visually stunning cinematography makes it worth seeing in 3-D. It was amazing when it was still in the theater.

What Tron: Legacy is not: Spoiler Alert Tron: Legacy has no plot. Well, I guess technically it does. The idea is so hackneyed it is hardly worth discussing. Boys father disappears leaving the boy feeling like he was abandoned. They are later reunited, where the boy learns his father tried to come back, but was prevented by fate. The father sacrifices himself for his boy. Beyond that...the rest was distraction. Mere opportunities to allow the special effects crew to dazzle the audience.

You may think I am being harsh. But there was this undercurrent of "opposition forces" that have heard rumors that the status quo may be challenged. That potential sub-plot consisted of about three lines and then rapidly vaporized. I thought "finally, some substance." The characters were flat and predictable and even the lines were gimmes. The writing was nothing short of horrible. At least one exceptional actor was squandered away on a sappy story line that constantly felt like deja vu.

Oh yeah...Tron lives. Another sub-plot that could have been developed a little bit. What do we get? Another two minutes worth of screen time devoted to a weak plot twist with no foundation. There was so much potential here for plot and character development wasted on long sequences where the pacing seemed off. The sluggish sections of this film could easily have been replaced with some scenes that actually counted toward the story. Ugh.

End Spoiler Alert

This is a tough film for me to rate. Visually it is a five. The writing probably a two (if I'm being generous). It is a film that should be seen in 3-D on the big screen. I don't have a 3-D television, so I am not sure how the 3-D translates to the smaller format. So I am in a quandary. I want desperately to give this film a high recommendation and to somehow justify it. But then I think about the ratings I have given some other films and realize that it is the nostalgia talking. This two hour, five minute film is rated PG. Good for all ages. 6.5/10.

Trailer and images subject to copyright.


You forgot to mention the amazing soundtrack! daft punk composed the soundtrack especially for the movie and it really added to the visuals. They even have a cameo in the movie. It was a nice movie to enjoy with your mind off. No plot and amazing visuals. It works well on regular TV in my opinion, but than again it's the only way I saw it.

I loved this movie! It's one of those I enjoy watching again and again. One of my favorite parts is when he walks into "Flynn's Arcade" turns on the lights, the music starts playing, the sounds of all the arcades going at once.... sooooo cool! Reminds me of that feeling of walking into an arcade in the 80's :)

And of course the ending scene when his dad saves him always gets me. I realize it's not everyone's cup of tea, but again, one of my favorites!

Mercenary Garage Design Motorcycle Workshop Dublin 8 Flynns Arcade Tron GIF.gif