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RE: A Monster Calls (film): A pretty great movie that did very poorly

in #movies5 years ago

Based on the promotional material that you showed it is possible that too many parents thought it was actually going to be a lot scarier than it was. I guess a lot of parents don't really care about that sort of thing these days. They will take their kids to anything as long as it doesn't have sex in it (cause that's what we need to worry about). This sounds like it was a pretty cool movie and if it is talking about social/emotional issues, my wife might even enjoy it. It will be hard for her to get past the monster though :)


lol about the sex. I remember hearing stories about how UK newspapers used to have topless models on a certain page every week.... I don't mean an adult "Playboy" type paper, but just the regular paper.

I think your wife would be ok with the monster, since he was actually the best part of the film... watch it and tell me what you think :)