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RE: Same Kind of Different as Me (film) : Great cast, great idea, nice story; rubbish film

in #movies5 years ago (edited)

Never heard of this movie, but I to blame poor directing and editing choices for not properly drawing in the audience and leaving them satisfied. Unfortunately your right.. Money lost..... POOF!!!

My first intro to... or should I say I first noticed.. Djimon Hounsou in the Gladiator. Not a huge role, but loved his calm way of sucking you into his character.


That was the first place I noticed him as well but i felt like he truly shined in Blood Diamond. He doesn't get many roles or at least not many roles that end up getting noticed. I also hadn't seen Greg Kinnear in a while. I think Greg's career kind of headed south after that one gig he had with Jack Nicholson in "As Good as it Gets"

As Good As It Gets.. haha. I remember that movie too. And that cute ugly like little dog Ridel or Radell or Verdal or something like that. He was the star of the movie! 🤭 hehehe Don’t tell Jack I said that.