Ocean’s Eight is a heist/crime comedy film, directed and written by Gary Ross, Ocean’s Eight is is a spin-off to the original Ocean’s trilogy. The ensemble cast includes famous actresses and musicians, including; Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, Mindy Kaling, Sarah Paulson, Rihanna, Helena Bonham Carter and Awkwafina. Ocean’s Eight did a pretty solid business at the box office, with a budget of US$ 70 million the film made US$ 297 million dollars worldwide.
The story is centered around “Debbie Ocean” (played by Sanda Bullock), Debbie is charged with fraud and is jailed for 5 years. After getting out of prison Debbie meets up with her friend “Lou” and plans to steal a 150 million US$ diamond necklace from a museum. Debby creates a team by recruiting 8 women, each with a special skill for the heist. The team includes Debby, Lou, Daphne, Amita, Tammy, Constance, Leslie and Rose. Together all 8 women plan and execute the heist to make it the biggest payday of their lives.
Costume design, make-up, set design was very good and the performance by Anne Hathaway was right on point. A major chunk of the story was spent upon the planning of the heist rather than its execution, which made the film boring. The story had deficiencies, especially in regards to the way characters executed the heist, the believability factor of the story was quite low. The film had an ensemble cast but the characters lacked depth and their personalities seemed quite shallow. The element of suspense was not up to the par as the movie was predictable and the plot twist was average. The film was labeled as a heist comedy but the humor seemed to be a bit off.
Directed by Gary Ross
Produced by Steven Soderbergh, Susan Ekins
Screenplay by Gary Ross, Olivia Milch
Story by Gary Ross
Music by Daniel Pemberton
Cinematography by Eigil Bryld
Edited by Juliette Welfling
Sandra Bullock as Debbie Ocean (professional thief)
Cate Blanchett as Lou Miller (business women, Debby’s partner in crime)
Anne Hathaway as Daphne Kluge (film actress)
Sarah Paulson as Tammy (Housewife, mom & business woman)
Mindy Kaling as Amita (Jewelry maker)
Awkwafina as Constance (street performer, thief)
Rihanna as Nine Ball/Leslie (computer hacker)
Helena Bonham Carter as Rose Weil Rose (fashion designer)
Budget: $70 million
Box office business: $297 million
Release Date: June 8, 2018 (cinemas), September 11, 2018 (DVD/Blu-ray)
Running time: 110 minutes
Genre: Heist/Crime, Comedy
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