Before the release of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's film Padmavat, there is a lot of controversy in the country. The film is about to be released on January 25. Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor are in the lead role in the film. Bollywood actor Nana Patekar has given his opinion on this film. Nana Patekar's video, answering the media questions on Padmavat, is getting viral on the internet these days.
The video shows that when asked if the Supreme Court has given a green signal to the release of the film but the way the opposition is being opposed. Is it difficult to make a historical movie in today's time? In response to this question, Nana Patekar said, "Nothing is difficult. It is common for films to be bigger. When the movie gets a green signal from the censor, then it will be released. However, make a film on the right subject. People will not react if you make the right film. If you make a wrong film then people will react.
The media also asked Nana Patekar that the movie is not a textbook on which you have to bind. On this Nana Patekar clearly said that, 'The opposition is wrong, but if you make history, then it is natural to feel bad about the people associated with it. While making the film, the responsibility of the makers is that no one gets hurt.
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Nana always says things in black and white with no ambiguity. He is a great actor and a humble human being.
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