Black Panther is bad

in #movie7 years ago (edited)

Hello there,

I read a lot of comments & hates regarding people that were not agreeing on some of the bad reviews regarding Black Panther and I cannot take it anymore.

The movie is bad and here are my reasons :

After a great apparition in Avengers, B.P was the film I was waiting for. I love the hero, the actor, were he is from, the costume in a few words, give me more of this GUYS !

What I got served was not what I wanted... Why did they have to turn this movie so far from what other super heroes movie are and suppose to be ?

  1. Scenario

Being a white person, and watching this movie made me feel so guilty even tho I wasn´t borned when the worst attrocity of man kind occured. I honesly couldn´t stop thinking about it.

I honesly don´t agree with the people thinking that this movie was funny when for instance the joke "coloniser" from T´Chala little sister comes up. How is that funny ? Would you laugh if captain America cracked a joke saying to B.P "how is the sauvage doing" ? Of course not, you would be chocked ! Or when she says "great, another white boy to fix" where did we hear "amazing, another black guy to take care of" ? WTF is that ?

In fact, that movie instead of reuniting people (which what they were aiming for) keep referring to people by their color instead of one kind.

Another point is that they keep talking about the injustice done to black people around the globe and the entire scenario turns around this issue. Which is a great point to talk about ! For instance X-men talked about the jewish persecution during the 2nd WW which created the biggest and strongest monster in this univers Magneto. Set on a path of vengeance he stops to nothing to get his revenge against the Tyran that murdered his mother. But he doesn´t go out and kill every german he comes across.

But in B.P none of that. The "ennemie" is white, bottom line, they all must die. Am i the only person that felt that way ?

  1. Is it not racism to threat in such a way this movie ?

So I guess because it´s a movie about black people, they had to fill the RAP cliche ? I know hiphop is deeply involved with that culture but what about the rest of the marvoullous influence the black people gave to the world (Jazz ? Black Blues ? R&B ? Soul ?!).

And it doesn´t stop here ! So we are in one of the most advanced and richest country on the planet and do you know how they select their future king ? By doing a duel to death (were only nobles can challenge the king) on the egde of a cliff while people are dancing around the fighters. Yup, that´s right forget about elections, votes & political campaigns. Aparatenly in the Africa of the marvel universe the people have no political rights or engagement and even tho they are rich and advenced their government system is still primitive. And the joke of all, wait for it, wait for it... The country is called the republic of Wakanda...

  1. Irish Independent's Ed Power gave a bad review that is accurate but missunderstood

So this review complained that B.P didn´t fight enough the bad guys. How true is THAT ! Seriously, what is a superhero ? Someone that fight crimes, to make people feel safe in their city. In this movie I didn´t know what was BP. 007, mission impossible, a superheroe ?

  1. To be a great movie you need a great vilain

If I say the Dark Nights you think of jokers, If I say terminator 2 you think of the T-1000, no country for old-man you think
of that dude with his bolt pistol, Anton Chigurh, last one Inglourious Basterds --> Hans Land. While the bad guy of BP isn´t bad he is not great. The actor and the story around him is amazing but after building such a strong background the plot falls flat because the only thing he wants to do is to kill white people ! How ridiculous is that ! What if with the same background he had a different approach of what he would do once he is king. Making the public wonder if he could actually be a better king that T´Challa ?

  1. Why did they not made a movie about how Nigeria is and could look like with the best tech ?

This seriously pissed me off. I wanted the marvel movie to take me to an existing city in Africa instead of CGI everywhere. I wanted to see BP impacting the life of africans the same way the Batman does for Gotham or Superman for metropolis.

Please let me know if you guys agree, especially black people I am really curious about your opinion on the points above.

P.S apologize for my spelling mistake, english is not my primary language.


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

In fact, that movie instead of reuniting people (which what they were aiming for) keep refering to people by their color instead of one kind.
It should be referring instead of refering.