Everything pass and definitely darkest hour.

in #movie7 years ago


Have you all seen the movie "darkest hour?" Now if you are yet to, please am encouraging you to... lol, well since am a late bloomer because this movie was premiered in 2017 and I saw it 2018. However, the most important thing is that I have seen the movie and it was the coolest and most interesting movie I saw recently.

So this movie inspired this post and I decided to use it for my first motivational post of the month.

Well, darkest hour is a movie that would make you really see the meaning in it's real word and also let you see what it means to be opposed by people who you call colleagues, relatives, and so on- people of course who are supposed to work with you towards achieving a common goal.

The movie darkest hour is about a prime minister-Winston Churchill who wasn't loved by many at first and most especially by his party because of his courage and bravery towards fighting fascism.

" Basically, it focused on the period when the British prime minister stood his ground and refused to surrender to Nazi Germany, helping to turn the tide of the second world war."

A thrilling and inspiring true story begins at the precipice of World War II as, within days of becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain,
Winston Churchill must face one of his most turbulent and defining trials: exploring a negotiated peace treaty with Nazi Germany, or standing firm to fight for the ideals, liberty and freedom of a nation. As the unstoppable Nazi forces roll across Western Europe and the threat of invasion is imminent, and with an unprepared public, a skeptical King, and his own party plotting against him, Churchill must withstand his darkest hour, rally a nation, and attempt to change the course of world history.source

What exactly was so important about this movie that it touched me so much?

At the moment that I saw this movie, lots of issues began to pop up in my head. I began to check the state of mind of some numerous Winstons who out of frustration and hatred from people dropped their calling and a purpose in life.

I also thought of those who do things just for the good and Well being of what that thing will bring to only them and their cohorts alone. The darkest hour for the prime minister was so bad that when he ordered for ships and planes to fight against Hitler and his people, he was turned down with a mocked to go use horses- on an army well prepared as Hitler's. We all know the story of Hitler!

I could see Winston efforts and goodwill frustrated yet by his own people! Now the question is, how many times have we given up simply because those we expect recommendations and affirmations from are not giving them to us? How many times have we done good out of eye service and word of lips so that we can win people to our side without meaning every word?

To every man on this earth... death comes!

Those where the words Winston told the people on the train. Amazing how he took his time to board a train with the people. Of course they where shocked to see him.

But apart from that he went to find out what these people thought about peace talk; that was where it happened that even the people were bent on going to war with courage to fight for their freedom- and if they would die let them die, after all to every man on this earth death comes!

This movie goes out to every man and woman in the society; to various people in leadership who in one way or another plays safe self when it comes to the interest of the people.

Finally, Winston made effort to ask his party members this question, "after peace talk; things might look alright for sometime. but for how long will that last, what will happen to our young ones and children after we are all gone?"

From that moment, Winston Churchill knew that he has won and that victory's been brought to book. Today, things has never remained the same for great Britain and that is the story every leader, civil servant, activist, citizen and follower should emulate.

"success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill.

Finally,if you are a person in your darkest hour, never give in to mediocrity. Never take what you see because what you want is still far from you. Hold on strong and never give up.

Fight the good fight and have faith that you will conquer. Dark hours passes... they don't last forever.


The life of Winston Churchill made me underatand that no matter how had we suffer, with persistent, faith in our abilities and love for justice victory will always prevail.

If you are some one going through the darkest hour of your life in your relationship, personal life, work and family... hold on, do not settle for the negative things. Keep hope alive, for you will shine even in your darkest hour.

Image credit: Google


This is a very touching movie with a lot of lessons. Many atimes in life we don't find the will to do something or achieve a task when we don't get support from the people whose support matters most to us especially when we believe in whatever plan we have or idea. Not having their support deters us and if we ain't motivated enough, we quench the fire and don't bother to light it ever again.

Churchill is a good point of contact In moments like this. Assuming he was not self willed, who knows what the story of great Britain will be by now?

I need to watch this movie. Thank you @gloglo for this wonderful piece.

Trust me you would not regret watching that movie at all. I just believe it will go a long way in changing so many beliefs we as young people might have towards life.

Happy new month zizy.

Now if you are yet to, please am encouraging you to... lol, well since am a late bloomer because this movie was premiered in 2017 and I saw it 2018.

hahaha, I guess I wont see it until years later. Thank you for the summary though, I could just imagine I have seen the movie.
Our darkest hour will all be history.
Thanks for sharing.

I remember hearing about that movie but I wasn't sure if it was released here in South Korea. I should definitely check it out now!!

That description of the movie viz a viz the morals was absolutely riveting. I should get to download and watch too. Good one, dear