Colonel Frank Slade and Charlie Simms have hero characteristics during different sections of the movie. Through the story, both change roles from being the hero to the mentor and vice versa. Charlie Simms is a high school student at Baird, and Colonel Frank Slade is a retired soldier of the American army. The heroes have similar themes in common, both have a reputation on a critical inflection point, one to rebuild it and one to maintain it. Both are in a complicated situation in which they gave up hope, and both contemplate suicide.
Frank Slade has a deteriorated reputation that involves his deeds and his behavior. He is a womanizer and constantly refers to himself as a hero and a gentleman. His image on himself is very different from the one he projects to society. In his family, he portrays an image of irresponsibility that he amassed after an accident with a grenade in which he turned blind. With his lost eyesight and his reputation, he believes he would never have a woman to live with. Frank has the challenge to rebuild his reputation and consequently improve his image. On the other hand, Charlie is a key witness in the set up of the prank to the headmaster. He has been blackmailed by the headmaster with a bribe that puts at risk his reputation in the school and in his life. He has to skillfully face the situation to maintain his reputation intact.
Most of the movie portrays an image of hopelessness that the heroes have because of their present situation. Charlie believes he is doomed to be expelled from Baird and loose his opportunity of attending college. He almost gets to a state of resignation when he realizes that he is the victim. Mr. Slade has lost hope in his life and planned a tour of pleasures before giving up on life because he feels useless and lonely. The only thing the Colonel truly desires is to receive company and escape from the loneliness he has been living for the past 20 years of his life.
Charlie realizes that the outcome of the testifying may have direct implications on his future. He has a life-depending decision to take that resembles the one of suicide. The Colonel attempts to take off his life with his lifelong weapon. This symbolizes the abandonment of the hope of life. Both are at the border of that decision and both persuade the other one to take the correct decision. Charlie’s decision will have a direct and implicit effect on the course of his future causing him to arrive at a state of uncertainty and mischief to which the Colonel guides him and helps him overcome.
At the end of the movie, both characters regain the sight of a bright future. Charlie maintains his integrity by not giving away himself to blackmail. He answers rightly in a way he defeated his underworld. The Colonel starts to see hope in what he had and there is a foreshadowing that shows he might fulfill his desire. He begins to think on his present and not on the past that chased him. The whole complot of the story comes to an end in a fulfilling way for both, giving them happiness and certainty that they have a stable and bright future ahead of them.