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RE: Wonder Woman Movie Review, Mad Goat Style

I think they explained it pretty well. The moment she used her powers Ares (Not Aries) will find her. And the moment she uses her powers to defeat Antiope, Steve shows up the island. Steve who happens to be working for Ares, I don't think it's a plot whole, I think it works perfectly together.
Also we Xena doesn't stand the test of time, try and watch it now and be cringed. There are just not enough female action heroes. Do you want to count the terrible Resident Evil movies as well?
I do agree that this movie was over hyped, but most comic book movies are over hyped. Plus there is nothing to watch at the movies so it had that going for it, all summer long.


The first resident evil was good. It's odd how they made the other ones suck so bad since they just made the same movie over again five times.

I really liked the first one as well. The second one was nothing like the first one, from what I remember, but I remember it was terrible. underworld is also a female lead action movie but just another B-level movie. It's not terrible, I was 1, 2 and 4 and they are ok, but they are not any good either. Wonder Woman is on a different level.