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RE: A Geeky Guy’s Movie Guide to Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)

in #movie-review6 years ago

So are you suggesting this is how people should live their lives? You are what you focus on?

Movies are an amazing teaching medium. Stories are a powerful tool for conveying moral lessons.

Is it possible to enjoy the movie and expect it to teach you something?

Why is escapism a good thing?
How does watching this movie make life worth living?



You should check out some of my "Life Lessons from a Geek" posts. I believe there are MANY movies that can be used to teach lessons. But this is not one of them.

Escapism is good if it helps you recharge so that you can be refreshed when you take on real obstacles.

I agree that this is not one of the movies that has much to teach, unfortunately.

I suggest a better method to escape and recharge - meditation actually allows the body to relax and reset the nervous system. Rest, naps and sleep are better for the body thank watching a movie that stimulates the brain and sends the body into emotional roller coaster with not determinable moral to explore.