My son and I just returned from seeing a movie named after the book Ready Player One. I chose those words very carefully. Because I love the book Ready Player One so much, I think it would be a huge insult to say I saw the movie version of it.

Although the novel's author, Ernest Cline, has his name on the screenplay for this film, I find it very hard to believe he actually had anything to do with writing it... unless he has suffered some form of amnesia in the past few years.
To be honest, this movie seemed like it was written by someone who had never actually read the book. It is as if the writer of the screenplay either heard someone talking about the book or read a two paragraph summary of it. This movie completely missed what made the book so much fun.
If you have never read the book, you may actually really enjoy this movie. Even if it is based on a hollow summary of the novel, the basic story is so much fun that it would be tough to make a movie of it that wasn't entertaining. There is plenty of action, some funny lines and some fun pop culture references. However, I would imagine that someone who has not read the book will have a different set of complaints than mine. Although the movie is listed at two hours and twenty minutes, that includes the credits. In my opinion, any movie that is based on a book needs to be at least two hours and thirty minutes (of actual content) long or it feels hollow. I would guess that people who have not read the book may be confused about some of the details.
This book is far better than the movie that shares its name.

As soon as I saw Steven Spielberg was involved in this movie, I immediately got nervous. Although I have loved many of Spielberg's movies, I immediately knew he was an odd fit for this. This movie should be about Spielberg and his heyday... not be made by him today. I wish this movie were made by fans who grew up watching Spielberg, Lucas, and Hughes. This is why I went in with VERY low expectations. Because of this I did not hate the two hours I spent. But I definitely never want to see it again. I was prepared for an utter train wreck and ended up seeing a couple of fender benders that will cause a two hour gaper's block.
Although I had braced myself for the worst, I simply can't comprehend how the creators of this film completely missed the entire reason the book Ready Player One was so much fun. First and foremost, Ready Player One is about puzzles and hidden "Easter eggs". Not only was the book inspired by a puzzle from an Atari 2600 video game, the book itself was a puzzle. The first person who solved the puzzle won an actual DeLorean.
Ernest Cline is so cool he has his own DeLorean... yet he is connected to this movie?

To add to the fun, the puzzles are based on pop culture from the author's (and my) youth: the '80s. The next ingredient is exciting action. Sprinkle in some fun characters (who are puzzles themselves) who are trying to save a dystopia world and you have an incredibly entertaining book.
But this movie completely missed the main ingredient: puzzles.
There were almost none in the entire movie. The characters do find some clues but they are glossed over so quickly that the audience never gets to play along. They solve the puzzles as quickly as they find the clues. It was as if the writers wanted the audience to completely shut off their brains and just enjoy the special effects. Sometimes that is needed... but not when you have such a fun story. When I read the book, my brain was on high alert. Sometimes I had to reread pages in order to ensure I caught every reference and clue. I could have watched this movie while playing Zork on my laptop and I wouldn't have missed a thing. That is sad.
An adventure game filled with puzzles that played a major role in the novel. How did they forget that the movie should include puzzles? They had all of the hints they could possibly need.

I am still shocked that they didn't even bother to put a puzzle or "Easter eggs" into the final credits. That detail truly showed that the creators of this movie had no understanding of or passion for the novel.
The second ingredient of the successful novel was amusing pop culture references from the 1970s and 1980s. I was worried they would try to modernize too many of these. Surprisingly, that wasn't the problem at all. Instead they used the wrong pop culture references from these decades. Without spoiling the book or movie, War Games plays a major role in the novel. The movie replaces this with... The Shining. WTF?
They replaced a classic teenage 80s movie about solving puzzles with a deep and psychologically terrifying horror movie? They did so much to update the references for today's 13 year olds and then they toss in The Shining? That was a horrible choice (even though The Shining does contain many puzzles... they don't even bother ot use them in this film). If they wanted a movie with more action, there were a plethora of 1980s classic action movies to choose from. Here are some that would have made much more sense:
Red Dawn
Escape From New York
Die Hard
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Mad Max: Thunderdome
I think a puzzle involving this scene would have fit so much better in the movie.

All of the scenes involving Dungeons and Dragons, Joust, War Games, Monty Python and The Holy Grail, and Pac-Man (I could go on but I hope many of you will still read the book and I don't want to spoil anything )are all gone. Some are replaced with... a car race. I have to admit, the car race did look cool. So if you don't care about the book you might like that. But if they really wanted to include a car race, they could have easily made it lead up to one of the challenges actually in the book. They had plenty of time to do both.
I saw this movie in a Dolby Theater, which makes everything better (except Red Sparrow), so please note that my opinion about the special effects is positively biased by that fact.
The movie does a fine job with the action sequences. There are plenty and they look very cool... when they in the Oasis. Basically everything that happens in the "real" world is a stupid waste of time. However, when the characters are in the Oasis, their avatars, vehicles and weapons are awesome. The only problem is that they purposely look like video game graphics so at some points I felt like I was just watching the cut scenes of my son's X-Box One games. They just happen to be the coolest cut scenes I have ever seen. These battles were the only reason I feel the movie wasn't a complete waste of time.
The action looks like a video game... but a really cool one.

As far as the characters go, the movie is so short (for a movie based on a novel) that I didn't feel like I knew any of them. If I hadn't read the book, I don't think I would have cared about a single one of them. They would have been just like the hollow avatars they use in the Oasis.
The plot involving the heroes trying to save the "real" world while winning the game is brought up in the movie... I guess. I think they were trying to save the world but I can't be sure if I know that because I just watched the movie or because I read the book multiple times. I have to reiterate here that everything that happens in the "real" world is a silly waste of time.
Normally this is where I would mention something about the actors' performances. But in this case, who cares? The only interesting things that happen take place when they are all cartoons. The voices were all fine. They neither added to nor detracted from the movie.
My 13 year old son hated this movie. He has read the book more times than I have. Although he and I prepared ourselves for the worst and lowered our expectations as much as we could, he didn't lower his enough. During the movie, he was very frustrated by the changes made to the tasks required to earn the keys. He could not figure out why some were changed at all. He turned to me several times and said, "I did not like that. This is bad." After the movie, he told me, "That is the first time a movie has ever been worse than I expected." (And he even loved The Hobbit trilogy.)
Even teenage Groots get pissy. But I think my son is justified in this one.

Perhaps part of that is because he is an angsty teen now and not everything is happy puppy dogs and ice-cream anymore. He may be looking for reasons to get pissed. In this case, he found one. To him, this creative team ruined one of his favorite books.
Even though I am nowhere near as upset as my son, neither of us can figure out how they got this movie so wrong.
This movie should have been a 13 yard field goal. Instead Lucy yanked the football away and it landed flat on its back.
I need to get this taste out of my mouth. Time to go read the book again.
Geeky Dad's Movie Guide
Number of times I fell asleep: 0
Number of eye rolls: 3 (This could have been higher. Everything in the real world is stupid.)
Number of face palms: 1 (See above)
Number of times my kid asked to go to the bathroom or get food out of sheer boredom: 0
Number of times I checked steemit: 0
Did my kid like it: No!!!!! (But yours might if they have never read the book.)
Would I see it without my kids: I will never watch it again but I had to see it once.
Full price/Matinee/Rental/Free/Not worth the time: Free (Perhaps matinee if you have never read the book. You might be entertained if you are a blank slate.)
*Before I go, I really need to stress how disappointed I am that the ending credits were not an "Easter Egg" hunt. That would have fit the book so perfectly. It was a complete no-brainier. That fact alone shows just how badly they missed when they made this movie. It was incredibly lazy when it should have been sensational.
Ok, you have given us mice much to think about. As we have never read the book we will probably just go watch the movie with low expectations and to enjoy the special effects.
Thankyou for the detailed opinion on this movie... we very much respect your authority Hanshotfirst, in all matters of movie, TV and theatre.
Thanks you little rascals. If anyone at the theater sees you and screams, don't take offense. They are just really excited to see you. Kind of like The Beatles.
Ok Han, this Knight, never having read the book - enjoyed the movie very much. HOWEVER...
Point taken on The Shining - didn't belong in this movie and this Knight would never have considered The Shining as 80's pop culture anyhow.
Understand what you mean about the characters. The movie was too short to get to know them, with way too much going on. In fact this Knight did cringe when the lead lady hugs the 11 year old when they meet for the first time - he thought they barely knew each other.
Puzzles can be tough to play out in movies - but yes they could have taken a few pointers from Goonies and Indiana.
Having not read the book again, this Knight very much appreciated some of the themes within the movie:
Could not stop drawing comparisons between some of the whales and heroes in the movie to the whales and heroes here in Steemit. And who knows, maybe Dan has placed some sort of Easter Egg in the Steem Blockchain.
The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch made this Knight's night - being somewhat of a Monty Python fan.
Oh yeah, the reasoning behind the change of script might be to do with who owns the rights to screen the scenes from the old movies and the price at which they are willing to lease them out.
Thanks again for another great movie review Han.
I really wanted to hear this perspective. It was so hard to try and see this from the point of view of someone who had not read the book. I figured they would enjoy it for the exact reasons you listed. This is a great story! It's actually pretty deep and dark but the 80s references made it fun so it didn't get too serious.
So it looks like the story came across but the details were very different. I think if they stayed true to the book both groups would be happy. I am just happy to hear that they didn't ruin it for people new to the story. I will always have my joy of Ready Player One. Now you have yours.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail actually plays a bigger role in the book. I wish they would have included it in the movie.
I am really glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks for taking the time to share your perspective. I needed to hear it. It honestly makes me feel better.
Oh crap.. movie's tomorrow.
So how did the author completely miss the major points of his own book? Unless he's not involved at all..
I seriously don't understand what happened. If it came out that Cline just got paid to put his name on the screenplay but he had nothing to do with it, I would not be surprised at all.
It seriously seems like it was never read by anyone who loved the book. Perhaps Spielberg is such a legend that no one was willing to say 'You're going the wrong way!"
If you go into it knowing that it is not true to the novel at all, you might be able to enjoy it a little.
Yeah it's lacking and rushed in parts but overall it's not too bad! haha. Btw the scene in Halliday's childhood room is almost like how i imagined it, amazing!
They did get some things right for sure. And some of the changes were pretty cool (like H's avatar). If It were up to me I'd add 30 minutes of details and the puzzles from the book. perhaps have the car race lead to the D&D cave and then the Joust duel? I really wanted the Joust duel either as a video game or them actually jumping into the video game and flying on the ostriches. That would have been really funny. Oh well.
It seems that people that haven't read the book really enjoy it. That actually helps. So now I have my joy of Ready Player One form the book and they have it from the movie.
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If he did just sell the title rights and his name I can imagine he is pretty disappointed with the way it turned out. I can't imagine selling off the rights to something I created without having a significant amount of creative control over what was going to happen in the movie. The worst part is that many people are going to walk away just assuming that this was on par with the book when in fact it is not, as you have clearly pointed out.
I was also wondering about the same whole issue.
It sounds disappointing for any of us who liked the book. I'll probably still watch it also, but not with high expectations.
Low expectations are what saved me. Sadly my son couldn't set them low enough. But the joy of Ready Player One is being spread... which is nice.
Do not be sad there is hope there is difficult to understand
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Wow great post full of information @hanshotfirst ! Im now more interested in reading the book then the movie ! Lol! Thanks for sharing ! Upped and resteemed !✌👍💕
oh no!! I absolutely loved the book and the puzzles and how they came up with it were one of the best parts.
I am happy to know that I am not the only one that rereads some pages and does that.
I had already braced myself when I saw the car race scene and it was shouting in my head its not in the book!!!
Damn it with the Shining! Excuse me while I go to a corner and roll while I cry.
Although the many story changes might be hard for book purists to accept, Steven Spielberg has lovingly captured the zeitgeist of '80s nostalgia in this adventure. In the end your liking for this movie depends on how you feel about video games.
well you read the book before that is why you think it would have been better
may be without book it will make the difference
sorry I have not read the book yet so I might enjoy the movie.
No need to apologize. I hope you do like it. The basic story is so cool.
Aw man, I am glad and yet sad in a way to read this. I was excited when I saw this was being made into a movie because the book was so good. I wasn't going to read this in case of spoilers but after reading your carefully chosen words at the start Idid and am glad I did do so because it sounds utter tripe!
I have read a little more about it today. It seems like it is very clear. If you read the book you will hate the movie. If you didn't it's fun.
It's too bad. It was set up for an easy chip in... not sure why they had to change so much.
Yeah, it was one of those books that would have been so easy to straight up transfer across. I shall steer clear until one of those nights where my resolve weakens, I watch it, then curse myself silly for the next few days because I should have left it alone :OD
Books don't tend to convert well into movies and movies don't tend to convert well into books, they're two different mediums. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie though, read the book years ago.
Well, I wasn't interested in the movie, anyway, but your review has succeeded in making me want to read the book. As an 80's kid, I'm INTRIGUED. :)
Oh if you are an 80s kid it is a must read. If you like John Hughes, Video games, music, etc from the 80s I think you'll love it.
After checking the reviews, this movie was on my list. But judging by your review it probably isn't that good.
Worth a try still though, I haven't read the novel
If you haven't read the novel I bet you will be entertained.
I was skeptical about how good the movie would be for a while, but once it hit The Shining scene I was pretty drawn in. The fact that they put the characters in a horror movie setting was just really funny to me. It also looked impressive. I rode that high all the way to the end and that final battle was definitely worth it.
If I had not known what should have taken place, I probably would have enjoyed it. But I knew what belonged there so it just felt "off".
Lol!!!Did you just made this analysis from your View and that of your son? So funny
It is really annoying seeing the eagerness and anxious mindedness some people could portray in copying some other fellows works...Most likely, the Management team of the movie might never had read the book or maybe read part of the book.
It is really a subject of concern in the world of movies
Sadly I have not read the book yet so I might enjoy the movie.
The book is a lot of fun but it is filled with a ton of 80s references. If you aren't into the 1980s the movie may be a better fit.
I'd be curious to hear the perspective of someone who has not read it.
I read the book and enjoyed it. The previews for the movie just don't have the same feel to me to the point that I didn't even recognize what it was at first (I felt the same about the previews for A Wrinkle in Time). I'll probably see it but not until it hits Netflix.
So, I want to make sure I understood correctly, you read the book? After reading your entire review, I found that part kind of vague. LOL. Sorry, that was my attempt to be funny, I hope it worked a little bit.
LOL. Totally worked!
Yeah I tend to over explain everything. It's the teacher in me.
I also get very obsessed with things... like this book.
There is nothing worse than going to a movie based on a book and finding out that they have completely missed the mark. I have to be honest. I always struggle with the finer details when watching a book based movie. I am a massive Harry Potter fan and I really did love the movies but I still found ways to complain. Maybe that's just what I do? When the Harry Potter movies didn't include the magical galleons created by Hermione used by Dumbledore's Army to communicate I was so upset. How could this be left out?? It was so important in my opinion.
I have never read " Ready Player One" so I don't know the context but I did see the trailer and it looked like it was going to be a movie that uses virtual reality to bring us inside a game. I think after your review, I am more likely to go out and get the book now rather than watch than the movie.
BTW: War Games was amazing and I loved every minute of it. I am surprised in a world where every older movie seems to be coming back in a remake version that we have yet to hear about a new War Games release. I won't be shocked if and when it happens though.
And yet again we are on the same page. I was so angry when I saw the first Harry potter movie that I refused to watch any of the others for years (They made Nevile insignificant. I believe it is Harry's relationship with him and his standing up for Nevile that establishes harry as a hero at age 11). It turns out that they righted the ship quite a bit but I had to wait for video and my kids being ready to watch them in order to find out. My wife saw all the movies in the theater.
After getting to know you a little bit I can safely say that you absolutely must read Ready Player One. It was made for our generation.
But be warned, you won't be able to enjoy the movie if you have read the book.
I am sure War games will get a reboot... but it won't be nearly as fun.
I'm planning on hitting the school library on Tuesday when we are back. Hopefully, the school will have a copy there. I totally agree with the whole Neville plotline as well. I had to tell myself with respect to the Harry Potter films that because there was just so much intricate detail that it was impossible to include it all. This thought made me feel at least a little better about it. lol. I was totally a theatre viewer for Harry Potter. It was bigger than me. haha
It's too bad the film missed the main ingredient of the book, puzzles. However, in my opinion, it often happens that the book is much better than the movie. Your post is a great enticement for reading the book!
Friend upvote me
I'm glad to hear that I wasn't the only one who was totally disappointed in this movie! I had only made it halfway through the book before I watched it (I normally want to finish the book before I see the movie, but I caved this time, lol), and I couldn't believe how far off it was from the very beginning! The special effects were great, but that's about it. Even my husband, who hasn't read any of the book, wasn't impressed.
Time for me to go finish the book now...
Yes please do! The best thing about the movie is that it has motivated me to read the book again.
@hanshotfirst. As much as I wanted to read this I have spoilerphobia and couldn't even get myself to skim over it. =P
Just wanted to check in, left you a message on =)
Yes beautiful film in 2018 and casa de papel
I feel the book really made you more critical of the movie. Plus I think written words may have a limited meaning to someone unlike visual, and that is why they claim that a picture is worth a thousand words because it can convey different meaning to different folks. Maybe the movie is not that bad after all.
Please try to see it once more
Great effective content....@hanshortfirst .After reading your post... my opinion for this movie..
Very elegant way to present you, The truth is in all your words.
It is possible to get many useful examples from your writing. well done and keep it up. btw i like this movies.
when it comes out flim
wow really superb movies :)
I liked it action movies and i also liked those type of movies. Thanks for your share! Every word of your mind, you wrote very well. Hopefully you'll be giving us a good post like this.
I would like to say you keep it up and well done.
i will love to watch this movie from the photograph i see a action movie i will love to follow you to get more of you series movie. thanks for sharing @hanshotfirst
You review the movie in nice way, i will watch the movie too that how i feel about it.
Ready Player One (2018)

When the creator of a virtual reality world called the OASIS dies, he releases a video in which he challenges all OASIS users to find his Easter Egg, which will give the finder his fortune.
Whiting this film..
Important publications I will follow up
wow very nice movie
Virtual Reality at work. Steven Spielberg at his feet again. From jurassic Park to minority report and now ready player one?. This really must be exclusive too.
hai ... a very beautiful and interesting post worth a count on, successful greeting .. please support for us who have not
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Want to promote your posts too? Send at least 0.005 STEEM DOLLAR or STEEM to @getup with the post link as the memo and receive a upvote! More profits? 100% Payout! Delegate some SteemPower to @getupI hated how it became about Halliday’s life and not his obsessions—most disappointingly hardly anything about the 80’s.
Bah. Gah. Fah.
seems like good one time watch with no high expectations
I loved listening to the audiobook version. I started to feel nervous that the movie wouldn't live up to the brilliance of the book when I watched the trailers. I will still watch the movie with my wife; who hasn't read the book. I will be prepared for an earful from her after the movie. Our teen hasn't shown interest to watch the movie with us yet.
This was a great review, by the way. You really spelt out your disappointment elegantly. No 'Easter Eggs' in a movie where puzzles were a central element?
Happy Easter!
We have seen the pop culture glory that is Steven Spielberg's Ready Player One, and we're ready to dissect every nerdy nod in it! ... While Steven Spielberg was able to infuse a creative spark into the film that allowed it to stand on more than only pure nostalgia, there is no denying that the immediate hook
a useful post and worthy of the word in the stack so beautiful .. salute successful hanshotfirst support for @tasier22 that has not been successful
I'll be waiting for the next ones. you can count on my helpHello @hanshotfirst. Although the film seems dedicated to those older people of the 80s haha, it is quite the opposite, with its special effects similar to new video games, this movie is very entertaining, you can see it as a family and children will like it very much. It is the kind of Spielberg film that will go down in history, because in this more adventurous and carefree genre he has given much better works, but a very valuable action and adventure film that works as much as a warning story. I liked your publication a lot,
I've read the book, haven't seen the movie yet.
In defense of adapting from books to movies, things will inevitably have to change. It's just a question of what works for a particular medium. I remember as I read the book, I thought some aspects would be perfect for a movie; and others would be very difficult to make work. (Though it's been so long, I don't remember what those details were...)
By hoping that a book adaptation is going to be 2.5 hours, you're pretty much setting yourself up for significant disappointment. Studios want two hours or less - because once you go over, that cuts into the number of screenings you get in a day.
However, learning that they switched out a lot of the references in the book to resonate with younger audiences is disappointing. (Though, I suppose, understandable.) Don't tell me they took out Zork!?
I'll have to watch it and decide for myself, I guess. :)
good movie
I think, This is a very good movie.
Thankyou for the detailed opinion on this movie... we very much respect your authority Hanshotfirst, in all matters of movie, TV and theatre..Although the many story changes might be hard for book purists to accept, Steven Spielberg has lovingly captured the zeitgeist of '80s nostalgia in this adventure. In the end your liking for this movie depends on how you feel about video games.