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RE: A Geeky Guy's Movie Guide to Dunkirk

in #movie-review7 years ago

Aw man. I was really looking forward to this one, it's been awhile since I've seen an epic blockbuster on the big screen, well this genre anyway. I know you ultimately recommended it, but a movie where you don't remember characters names? Eh. Not sure I want to spend the price of admission no matter how great the scenery and battles.

And when, tell me when, are they going to come out with something that rivals the Lord of the Rings trilogy? You know, I would absolutely spend the money to watch all three in a row at an IMAX theater right now, the extended versions. I don't care if I know a bit of it by heart. I'd probably still cry when Sam nearly drowns himself chasing Frodo.


Don't even get me started on Lord of the Rings. I may cry right now.

Every freaking time. I cry every time. And always will.

Not to mention

But I can carry you, I'm tearing up!! LOVE!