Hey, I am a newbie at blogging. I am a newbie at putting myself out there. I am a newbie at this site. I am a newbie at trying to be smart with this computer stuff.......But what I am not a newbie at is Movement......movement is what I have been doing for over 35 years.....Started with teaching calisthenics before Aerobics was even invented....ha!! The one thing I can say is MOVEMENT has saved my life....it has brought me back many times.....from my younger years of partying all night and then having to get up and teach an aerobics class....well, I didn't want to do it and I wouldn't have done it but I had to do it because I was the teacher and I was ALWAYS glad I did.....Exercise and Movement is what we ALL need....Whatever you are doing out there I hope you get some movement into your body today.....you will feel better and your Soul will thank you for it.....I have been sitting way too long at this computer so I am on my way out into my yard to get some movement into my body....I hope you do the same..... :) I will be posting more on different types of movement that I do and I hope my posts encourage you to start moving......in the meantime please stop what you are doing....which is reading my silly, first time, post....and get your ass outside and breath some fresh air....bend and stretch....pick up some sticks or pull some weeds....take a nice walk.....move your hips...swing your arms....roll around in ALL your joints....ankles, knees, wrists, elbows, hips etc.....get some Movement into your body!!!!! It can be so simple and yet so Healing.... Until next time..... Keep Moving!!!
i go to resteemit , good post