#2 When the soul is the guide and the own path the inspiration...

in #mountain4 years ago

Eg manar deg inn I berget blå ...🗻✨


*guess in what platform I made that drawing ... VERY GOOD!!! If it is significant, it is in DADA.art¨😉

Hello, hellooooo... my dear readers!!! It was a long time that I didn't found there was a space to give my Blog the dedication it deserves, but here I am!!! 💪🤓😊 I've been looking for images in my mind that ilustrate how feel: "The call of the mountains", finally I have decided that words aren't suficient for transmit this vibes, this must be to feel, so let me show you some images for try achieve it...



Ok... Now, sounding a bit "hater", I'm almost sure that you has passed the last two pics in less that two seconds... I´m sorry if this didn't happened in that form and congratulations for to take a quality time, This isn't usual actualy for this days where all things pass extremely fast, all burn fast and desapear or change before you can note that they was there, trying to say you something... maybe until give you importants signals to you! Really I´m proud of you, you has get your own stop at this crazy fast times and now I'm sure that you will understend a little bit more about my point of this mystic call. So, coming back in the chat, at you, who passed for that images quickly, I would like ask you for take the next mark of times for to see that last pictures: around between eight and ten seconds for each picture (feel the pleasure of overcoming the schedule of minutes in which this article has told you that it will take time to read the text - and it is that yes, know that even this article is trying to time your life- ), take this as meditation exercise, put your focus, your concentration, in the totally of pic... look the light, the colours, the shadows, the movement... stop your gaze in that clouds flowing, in the lake mirror that duplicate the big colosals... imagine, jump inside of the picture with your mind, feel the breeze in your skin, put your gaze in the picks, feel your hearth... what do you feel? Do you feel that?

Well, you almost got me ... in this second post about my way of live try to near you precisely the importance to learn to ear this: the "non verbal communication" ... something that is not specificly intrinsic to human relations if not that take part of the big whole ... do you can feel this control that exert on you that minutes at the top of this article, for first time? I'm write this post and I never had say how time it will take you, even I couldnt say this because it will be a run over to your person, to your own times... Who put this times? Why? Really ... do you think that this mark is for that you can planify? psss, Do you need this? really? In your time for spreading time? Really do you think or maybe is just other form to indoctrinate you? Do you can't feel this scream of freedom from the mountain images yet? Try with ten seconds in the next picture, put your eyes in the color zone. Concentrate:


  • Tell me the true, is difficult stay only in this zone without search for more, in the clouds... or not? I could start to bet that if you made it this far without bored you may have even exceeded ten seconds looking at the last image. And let me tell you something: we make a great team hacking article timers 💪😎😂

I would raccont you that besides of artist, I'm a professional graduated in Human Resources Management (RRHH) too. This higher formation includes the study of: motivations, personal development, human relationships, efficient communication and active listening among other topics of interest intertwined with emotional education, neurolinguistic programming, fields of study like psychology, Coaching life, etc. all this bagages of knoledges are crossed with my own personal search, with the spiritual world and the art, in an holistic vision fullfil of deep connections, a particular way of share, appreciate and experiment the life, the existence.


  • The photo is mirrored, it seems that everything requires an active reader to make an mental effort in this post ... hahaha

I must confess that although I loved my career, the subjects on law, salary settlement or probability and statistics dictated from a purely capitalist, utilitarian and of markets point of view were never my strong suit, too many cold, so much calculations and structures limit possibilities for persons ... human relations, the warm and the relevance of the environment, the empathy, create community, foster creativity, allow and foster spaces of individual personal growth - without normalized or homologate - that feed that spark of autenticities that allows us to move forward, go to innovation, hug the change ambients, improve, think divergent, are actions that invite us to do new things and fully enjoy our activities and our conquests. That is presicely without a doubt what I love to do, iis what I want to work on on as long as i live and is what I would like to leave in the world ... more than count and planify we urgently need to learn to flow at the time, create and connect deeply: with ourselves, with others, with everything.


So... here with you my last invitation: (I promisse you, is the last, I won't make you work anymore for today, it's been enough)😅
I take this pic in "Bahia de los troncos", in my dear Bariloche. Put this image in fullscreen, have your mic in your ears and push "play" at song Lyfjaberg of Wardruna, then only let enchanted and travel... mindfulness. Feel the icy summit, let yourself fly to that image.


Whatever that this feel is... it is. This call began when I was 19 years old and I couldn't resist it... then, I changed of flowers, airs and energies following my own internal compass...




Today it has been more than ten years that I can say that I found my home in the mountains and I can assure that my place in the world will always a place where they will are present.

Mountains are my natural channel to connect and feel the fullness of existence, my ground wire and with cosmos. Don't worry if you can't feel nothing, The forest and mountains are my place but I'm sure that each one of us have the own, maybe your call is come from the beach or oceans, from the jungle, from the desert, world need us, GAIA need us, and we must learn to ear its voice.


  • Refugio Jakob way (Bariloche). PH by Andy Rahn

Thank you very much for read me and for your attention, i really appreciate it ❤️
I'll be waiting for your comments and for you in the next post! See you soon :)


---Day "X": My English doesn't seem to be improving, the process will be long ... hahaha😜


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