Tienda #6 Riders accesorios 🏍️ 🧤 🕶️ 🏁 (ES/EN) Store#6 Riders Accessories🏍️ 🧤 🕶️

in #motoslast year (edited)

RPM Accesorios


Esto si es gracioso! Salgo el otro dia de comprar un repuesto en RPM y doy la vuelta a la esquina caminando para ir donde estaba planeado y me encuentro con una tienda con el mismo nombre que donde acababa de salir. Entonces mas curiosidad tenia porque estaba solo un cartel pero nada se podia ver opor dentro, con lo cual toque timbre y me encontre con una tienda diferente. En ella no hay nada que tenga que ver con la otra tienda. Se dedican a la venta de accesorios y todo tipo de cosas relacionadas con el uso de las motos. Pregunte si podia pasar a tomar unas fotos y ver los productos y me puse mirar cuantas cosas tenian alli.


Me encontre con una infinidad de cosas, camperas de muchas marcas con protecciones y sin protecciones, guantes de cuero, guantes de primera piel para el frio con y sin protecciones tambien. Una infinidad de cascos de todo tipo de colores diseños y marcas tambien. Comercializan bauleras para motos en muchas versiones, auriculares para ponerle a los cascos y hacerlos bluetooth, tambien tienen cascos con intercomunicadores o los intercomunicadores por separado tambien. Bolsos para llevar indumentaria, zapatillas con proteccion muy variadas y tambien muchos vidrios templados para cambiar a los cascos.

Ellos tambien estan de Lunes a Viernes de 9 a 18hs. Esta tienda se encuentra sobre la calle Bernardo de Irigoyen 764.




A continuacion les dejamos el link con la ubicacion para que puedan acercarse si estan por la ciudad y puedan usar sus crypto tranquilos y seguros. Los pueden buscar en Hive @rpm936

Este negocio @HivePago acepta : BTC LTC BCH DODGE o usar @rpm936 para pagar con Hive o HBD.

Espero que les haya gustado, siganme por mas!


English Version

RPM Accessories


Now that's funny! I came out the other day from buying a part at RPM and walked around the corner to go where I had planned to go and found a store with the same name as where I had just left. Then I was more curious because there was only a sign but nothing could be seen inside, so I rang the bell and found a different store. In it there is nothing to do with the other store. They sell accessories and all kinds of things related to the use of motorcycles. I asked if I could come in to take some pictures and see the products and I started to look at how many things they had there.


I found an infinity of things, jackets of many brands with and without protections, leather gloves, gloves of first skin for the cold with and without protections also. An infinity of helmets of all kinds of colors, designs and brands as well. They commercialize trunks for motorcycles in many versions, headphones to put to the helmets and make them bluetooth, they also have helmets with intercoms or intercoms separately as well. Bags to carry clothing, shoes with protection very varied and also many tempered glass to change the helmets.

They are also open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. This store is located on Bernardo de Irigoyen 764 is the center of the city to buy this kind of things. They also accept bitcoin, Doge, Lite and is open to any other currency.




Here is the link with the location so you can approach them if you are in town and you can use your crypto safely and securely. You can look for them on Hive @rpm936

This @HivePago business excepts: BTC LTC BCH DOGE or Use @rpm936 to pay with Hive or HBD.

I hope you liked it, follow me for more!


Originally posted on Communtiy Promoting Stores and Businesses that Accept Hive or Crypto. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.


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