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RE: It's electrifying!

in #motoring7 years ago (edited)

Of course the fossil fuel industry are lying, opaque scum. The environmental movement, to convince people needs to be absolutely transparent . We dont want to end up like the oil companies ! we want credibility for mass adoption to happen. I just don't like sound's me, Im cranky, but the battery issues are a worry when you think of the number of vehicles on the road at any one time, cars these days have made massive advances in their recyclability, I don't want to see a regression with the batteries thats all :-)
On top of that, he was very dismissive of hydrogen cells which is my great hope for the future. Cars running on water


Well he has his own commercial interests. Of course we need full transparency. Governments need to ensure it's not just about making money. If we keep on filling the roads then we're doomed whatever the cars run on.

amen to that ! have a great weekend :-)