My Motorcycle Crushed! 😥

in #motorcycle7 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone. First of all, I want to apologize for not posting for a few days.
Unfortunately, I got a good reason, which is actually pretty bad.
As I told you in my introduction post, I work as a pizza deliever.
A few days ago, during my shift, when I came back from a delievery, I lost control with the motorcycle and crashed.
There was a hole in the road, which I didn't see, and got into it.



I got to the Rambam hospital in Haifa, and they took really good care of me.


I can bearly walk or get up the stairs, but it's getting better and I got my crutches to help me.
Luckily, nothing really bad happened to me except for dry blows, thanks to my helment and jacket.


I'm begging for all the motorcycle-riders out there, never ride without protection, be aware as twice as you should be on the road for all the little things. Take care of yourself. I was very lucky for not getting killed on this one, anyone could ran over me when I was on the road's floor.


I'm ride a motorcycle too. That for I'm ride very carefully now. Because if we fell down crash the road must be hurt and get injury very quickly. So forward ride safely.

Take care of yourself

Sorry to hear that! Take care of yourself and I definitely agree about wearing the safety gear. It’s not worth the risk to ride without it

Thank you

Get better soon :)

Glad your OK. Was gold mining and everyone laughed at my helmet and the dirt road made me a believer. Always have a helmet!

Lucky I had passed a ambulance before I wrecked. They stopped and liked my helmet.

Thank you, I'm getting better. Helment sure is important