Factory Steemit - MSMXC Round 12 - Shermanbury - Autos

in #motocross8 years ago (edited)

Factory Steemit - MSMXC Round 12 - Shermanbury - Autos - Pics

The 50cc Auto class :) love these little guys! They were up against the elements this Sunday at Shermanbury as you will see by the pics! The day started ok, not bad but then the rain gods decided enough was enough... The poor guys were left battling the elements and the day was called off after the 2nd block. Race days are usually 1 round of practice followed by 3 blocks of racing. Not this day...

Well done to all Auto riders that entered! You are warriors!

Enjoy the pics steemers :)

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I didn't realise how small the bikes were until I saw the first picture.
It is crazy how from every fall the riders are able to get back up.
Absolutely stunning shots @b0y2k

Yeah the Autos are tiny hehe, very cute!
These little guys wear the same amount of protection as the adults do and also they are going a lot slower than the bigger bikes being 50cc. Still doesn't take away from the fact they are brave kids!
Nice one @arckrai!

Great pics mate, these wee ones look like they are having a whale of a time.

some kids love the slop, some not so much...They are loving/not loving in equal amounts @munchell haha

Great post and photos

Nice post.

Man that brings back memories! (of watching friends and cousins)

Just look at all of that mud!

haha awesome to hear @papa-pepper :) Good times :)

Amazing to see kids developing passion. My nephew loves motocross, I have many apps on my mobile phone, which are motocross games just because of him.

Mate... my nephews have made sure EVERY device i own is filled up with motocross games haha

Upvoted and RESTEEMED!

Nice one @opc :)

it is scary to me.. ow!!

No no, it's all in the name of fun @killerkuashsa :)

ya ,,right!!!

Awesome shot's !!!

Thank you @blazing :)

Wel done my dear friend...
Cheers~~~~~Hey @b0y2k I think their are future hero of motocross

Nice one @dinisanda! Future stars for sure!

wonder their passion for racing nice post

Nice one @amanjain2k, nice 2k :D

awesome hobby bike ridding