in #motivational7 years ago

Taking a risk is like physically leaping over an obstacle or a chasm that separate you from what you want. If you are certain that the object on the other side is what you want, you can make the leap with determination, enthusiasm, and fully focused. But if you aren't so sure, you won't be determined, enthusiastic, and focused, and in all likelihood you wont make it. Instead of taking opportunities as they appear, you will be torn by indecision and ambivalence. And that is the most precarious position you can possibly be in. In every wildlife documentary i have ever seen, The predator always gets the one animal that can't decide which way to run. Capture 2.PNG

Now, we aren't impalas running from the lions, so we can to carefully evaluate the risks we take so that we can take them with a certain amount of confidence. One  thing that is necessary, though, is to overcome any doubts and fears that you might have.  You cannot live your life out of fear of what might happen. You must live out of your vision for a better life. The greatest reason people do not take risks is fear of the unknown.

We all have fears. In fact, some study  have found more than a hundred secret fears held by people, everything ranging from fear of open spaces to fear of closed spaces, Fear of heights and fear of depths. We are afraid of spiders, snakes, and mosquitoes. Fear is a learned response. we are not born with it; that is why parents have to watch their young children so closely.Fears that are learned can be unlearned. A child who fears dogs because a mean dog chased her can learn to like dogs when exposed to friendly ones. Fears are real only when we make them real by investing too much into them. when we allow fears to dominate our lives. We give it too much power. Some people allow their fears to affect their health. it's been said that fears kill more people than work because some people spend more time in fear than they do in working.![Capture 3.PNG](https://steemitimages.com/DQmWLiDnN3wnEDogcX119pbJVjgfuzqzTL2qoQZAripuTMo/Capture%203.PNG)

The only real cure for fear is love and courage. you have to have faith that there really no bogeyman under the bed, and the courage to look down there and confirm it. Fears can haunt and control us when we lack faith in our ability to overcome them and the courage to take them on. fear defeats us when we allow it to condition our minds,to make us cowards. Have you ever leaped higher or run higher than you ever thought you could because you knew you had to do it? that is the form of energy you need to tap into to overcome your fear of taking risks. You to develop a sort of crisis mentality to summon the courage to overcome such fears. You have to decide that taking this risk is vital to your life.
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One method for gaining the faith and confidence necessary to take on your fears is to purposely confront them. Name a fear that you have and then come up with a way to confront and overcome it.If you have a fear of heights, you might go to the roof of a tall building and make yourself stand there to overcome that fear. If you are afraid of flying, plan a long flight on a big airliner Do this things as if your life depends on them.


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