Helping People In Need - A Sign Of Humanity

in #motivational2 years ago

Anytime you see someone in need, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Do you move with empathy to do something, no matter how small, or do you conclude that it does not concern you? The truth is that the first sign of your humanity is in how you relate with others and how you help them. Everyone needs each other to survive, and in your own part, there is something you can do to help someone else in need or at least, to make them feel better.


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The wealth of an individual is not measured by how large their physical and material possessions are, but how large their heart towards others is. It does not matter where you are now, the fact still remains that there are lot of things within your possession that you can use to help others. It may not be even financial help but other forms of help. When showing help, it should not be for only those that can pay you back, it should be to all. As a matter of fact, repayment should not be the reason why you render help to people, but because that is what humanity suggests.

After you have acquired all the resources and possessions you can and you have not caused the heart of anyone to rejoice by reason of your help towards them, then you are not fulfilling the demands of humanity. Trust me, the time you will spend on earth is limited to be focused on only yourself and yours. Obviously, when you are long gone, the memory you leave behind is what they will remember you for. One should also note that you cannot enforce your memory on others, but you can earn it through your actions of goodness, kindness, and the help you give to people.

If people meet you, do they feel better or sad? Do people feel blessed after they have come in contact with you or do they regret crossing paths with you? These are cardinal points that show your level of humanity and kindness. Of course, your kindness is also expressed in your deeds and actions, and how you come through for people in their time of needs. I am sure you will want people to help you in your time of need, but the question is "how have you helped others in their time of need?" Trust me, the world is not centered nor revolving around only you, so you should also learn to live for others.


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There are quite a number of ways in which we can render help to others. When they talk about help, a lot of people put their mind on "giving money." Well, it is good, but help goes beyond that. You can give someone an idea that can make him a producer of what he would have been begging for. For example, instead of giving someone fish always and putting him at your mercy, and making him a perpetual beggar of fish, the better help would be to teach him how to fish so that he will become independent and then take more responsibilities for his life and others. You will be surprised that just one person you help to stand will help others to stand too and you would have ended up making a lot of people to stand on their feet, and they may also help you in the future. No wonder this popular phrase says:

We rise by lifting others

There is a feeling of fulfilment that comes when you lend a helping hand to people and to know that they are happy because of you. Anytime you find yourself in any position to help people, you need to see it as a privilege. If everyone was to have each other's back, then the ills in the world would have been greatly reduced and the world will become better. In your own little way, and from what you have, you need to do good to others because that is what will count at the end.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all