Why are we here?

in #motivational6 years ago


After jumping into this crypto world about eight months ago, someone finally asked me why I was so involved in cryptocurrency because to them it was just crazy up and down waves. I stoped for a second and come up with the answer I think I always knew I'm twenty five years old and this adventure is to fund my one true passion baseball. Everyone grows up wanting to play sports and I'm no different, when my playing career fizzled out in high school (I wasn't looked at enough to play college ball).

I went to school first to be a physical therapist but things sadly didn't work out, so I fell to my back up plan becoming a teacher and coach to impart my love for the game. Well here we are I've graduated college and been out two years and still no coaching position so I'm moving on again slowly. I've looked at going to umpire school but that's expensive as well with no promise of a job after you get through it.

It's lead me to looking getting into ownership as an way to purse my dream, and that's why I'm here. To slowly hodl my coins and get the money I need to buy into baseball, after that who knows where this road might lead! It would be cool to be known as the guy that bought his dream with crypto not the first I'm sure but a first for the world of baseball. The first ownership group funded by cryptocurrency has a nice ring to it.

So in closing I'd like to ask you all why your involved in crypto, what you hope to get out of it and how are you achieving your goals?

Best of luck to everyone out there to achieve everything you ever hoped of!


Upvote for the awesome baseball backstory!

My son is heading off to play college ball this fall, and I completely understand the challenges you must have faced! I bet that there are some club teams in your area that would love the help of a volunteer coach. A lot of coaches in our area got their start that way.

To answer your question, my interest in crypto stems from the fact that it's an interesting business application of technology. Thanks for the interesting post!

Thanks for the upvote! As for volunteering I have been the bench coach at my old high school for the last five years and while it's fun and I love those guys to death it's just time I find something that I actually earn some money as well. If we didn't have to have money to survive I'd gladly volunteer for everyday of my life. Congrats to your son though I know how hard it is to get a college to look at you let alone offer you a scholarship!