What Is Worth Doing Is Worth Doing Well

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)


Without any doubt, whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

The importance of putting your best to any endeavour of yours cannot be overemphasised.

Your job is a reflection of who you are.

Jessica Guidobono said:

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.

Doing your work with a touch of excellence projects you as a person of excellence.

It is excellence that differentiates your work from that of others.

How outstanding your job will be is determined by how well you do it.

It is doing it well that makes it truly well.

However, never allow the excessive desire to be excellent at your work prevent you from ever acting out your plans.

Zig Ziglair said:

Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly until you learn to do it well.

Many times, excellence results from several attempts at tuning and fine-tuning.

Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better - Pat Riley.

Put in your best to every assignment.

It may not be exactly excellent today but keep striving to do it better.

Your best may not beat the rest, if it's your best at the time, you have something to hold on to.

Excellence is not being the best, it is doing your best.

Excellence does not necessarily mean doing something extraordinary, it only means doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.

Crossing the Ts and Dotting the Is are obviously important in our bid for excellence.

If you can be excellent at your job, you can be successful at it.

Please, always emember that it takes a man who values excellence to ever desire it... And until you desire it, you can't attain it.

So, my counsel to you is: Put value on excellence. Recognise, acknowledge and celebrate excellence every time you see it.

By doing these, it's only a matter of time before excellence becomes valuable, desirable and as a result, attainable to you.


Do you seriously think this post is worth 60 SBD? Barely 100 words, bad formatted post, low quality photos.

I thought it had a message someone could use. For the rest, it could be edited. Thanks for your feedback.

Yes sure perhaps 10 SBD spend, but the bigger amounts are for people that spent a longer time on a post. Or you will push down people that has worked real hard on a post since you want to make a quick money grab.

Well one thing I can say is, I hope someday my posts will be as much rewarding as this. I always try to keep my posts look nice and worth a read.

If you can do me a favor, please do visit my blog and try to see some posts. Any comments about it will be much appreciated. ^^