Keep Moving Forward!!!

in #motivation7 years ago

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Forward is a destination of choice.

Every sane human wants to be on the rise perpetually. No one likes retrogression or even stagnation.

But most times most people are satisfied with just a little success, progress or advancement.

There's little or no drive in them to keep moving forward or achieving more. There are easily satisfied with just little even when there's obviously more success opportuniyies ahead of them.

You can't afford to be tired now. You can't afford to stop now.

No doubt, you've gotten somewhere.
You've achieved some successes.
You've gotten some breakthroughs.

But there's a place called better.
There's a place called forward.
There's a place called bigger.

No matter what you do, keep moving forward.

If you can't fly, you may want to run!
If you can't run, you may want to walk!
If you can't walk, I recommend that you crawl.
In as much as you ain't standing, in as much as you are moving forward, its ok by Martin Luther King Jnr.

Forward movement, no matter how little, as long as it is consistent, can go a long way.

This is why Abraham Lincoln said:

I walk slowly, but I never walk backwards.
