How to learn to think like Albert Einstein and Elon Musk

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

You never stop practicing self-development, working hard for the good of your future. You have an understanding that it is necessary to work not only over the body, but also to sharpen the mind, but how do you want to learn to think, to whom to equal? If you look for a role model, you need to take an example from the best. For example, with the brilliant physicist Albert Einstein or one of the greatest inventors of our time, Elon Mask. Their discoveries and inventions greatly contributed to the changes in the world. So how does the brain of genius work?

1 Elon Musk and his amazing thinking


Until recently, it was believed that launching rockets into space was the prerogative of only the largest and most developed countries, because this process is insanely expensive from the beginning to the very end. Enthusiast and genius Elon Musk wanted to launch a rocket on Mars and was actively looking for a seller, but he faced the fact that the price was $ 65 million. And this is the price of only the rocket itself, and it is still necessary to pay for the launch itself and to equip the spacecraft. Moreover, Elon needed not one, but at least two missiles, and for such fabulous money it is impossible to afford such a pleasure. Musk was ready to surrender, but realized that his original approach was fundamentally wrong. He changed his approach and began to think not about why he does not get it, but about how to use the available resources, you can carry out the plan. Musk determined the cost of materials, studied the entire process of launching and collecting the rocket, and then used this knowledge in practice and launched the text taken from the chic ketu, which in total cost him $ 7 million. How did he do all this? He took as a basis the thought and desire, isolated all necessary things and threw away various delays that might hinder the process. This approach allowed to significantly reduce the cost of the missile, and 7 million is the price for customers who wanted to participate in his project. In fact, everything was even cheaper. Elon began by deciding to find the materials necessary for the project, namely he needed aluminum alloys of the aerospace class and titanium, copper and carbon fibers. As a result, it turned out that the cost of missile materials was 2 percent of the market price, so Musk decided to build a missile on his own. In addition, he changed the very approach and concept of rocket construction, because usually the missiles were disposable - when returning to Earth, they were drowned in the ocean. Ilon also developed a spacecraft capable of returning and successfully landing.

2 Albert Einstein and his great mind


Long before the launch of the first rockets into space, Albert Einstein changed the world view due to his brilliant mind. He questioned the nature of time, a thing so common for each of us, about which, it would seem, everything was already clear. Prior to Einstein, scientists assumed that time and the universe exist inextricably from one another, and all processes occur in them simultaneously, but with his theory of relativity, Albert destroyed this assumption. For him, the only undeniable truth was the speed of light and the fact that, according to the laws of physics, it can not be exceeded. All the rest, even time, was a thing that can change its properties and move faster or slower depending on the specific circumstances. So, thinking about the very nature of time, he found that it is able to go for a certain object in its own way: the course is determined by how closely the object is from a massive object, for example a black hole. Although his theory seemed all illogical at first glance, it turned out that on GPS satellites, the time goes by about 40 microseconds faster than on Earth, and such a small change can have a huge impact. As a result, the satellite was reprogrammed to correct the deceleration in time.

3 Principle of a clean sheet


The use of the clean sheet principle in order to make a breakthrough in something or to invent an innovative product is necessary. This will give the purity of thinking and will not keep the mind within the established framework, because we are so used to doing certain things in a certain way that we do not even imagine that some processes can proceed differently. Sometimes we can not agree to change because of the habitual way of thinking, even if it can cut our costs and save time. A habitual way of thinking, lack of innovation will not allow you to move forward and do something that will fundamentally differ from the result of the activities of your competitors. You should not be afraid to depart from the usual way of thinking, action, in order to succeed. Perhaps people will poke your finger at you and think it's crazy; perhaps you will fail, but in the end you will learn to go beyond the usual boundaries and one day make a breakthrough in what you truly love and what you do.

4 Your tasks should stimulate something more.


Set yourself tasks that will encourage you to solve them. For example, the SpaseX project was designed not just to go into outer space, but to colonize Mars. Ilon and his team did not think about how to launch a regular satellite - in which case they could use the technology of NASA, which was developed back in the 1960s. These same people want more, because of what they did not copy, but created a fundamentally new product. Ask yourself questions that will make you think differently, more global. Only in this case you will be able to go beyond the limits of habitual thinking.



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