i always seem to come across your posts when i need to be reminded of things.
This is my life, I don’t have problems, I deal with situations. -- oh, goodness! how i needed to hear this!
i've gotta re-read this a few more times to really absorb it all.
Thank you for saying that the timing of finding these posts is helpful for you! I just was feeling so at wits end about lacking material creativity and only seeming to master skills og mental capacity,
I had done a little tarot reading and right after saw this blinking notification of your comment. Thank YOU for bringing divine timing right back to me 🙏
the divine timing was definitely strong yesterday! completely separate from this, i had a conversation with someone who reminded me (gently and respectfully) to slow down and basically take time for humility. don't always be in a rush to get things done. stop, chill, smile, chat with people as they need it - totally resonated with this, right here!!