Don’t Fear the Hustle (Best of Sunday Sermon 3-25-18) | Sashavational

in #motivation7 years ago

So two Sundays ago (March 25th, 2018) I went to start my usual Sunday Sermon and ran into some technical difficulties.

Were you there for that? Sorry if I let you down!

The show still went on, but we did it on Facebook Live instead.

Since many folks were upset to miss an episode, today’s video is a “Best Of” from that hour-long broadcast.

If you were one of those folks that missed it before, now is a good time to remind you to join our free Facebook groups and follow me there so you don’t miss an announcement again.

We have one for dating/relationships/social freedom, and another for health/wealth/spirituality.

In this video I talk about my new business (ad)venture – owning my own restaurant!

Welcome to Chez Sasha mofos!

I talk about how I’ve had to start learning all the details of the job from scratch,

how I’m busting my ass hustling as a waiter,

the importance of hustling for success,

a bit about my hustling past,

and why it’s important to keep pushing your comfort zone!

The Best Of video is at the top. This one below is the full Sermon:


Sasha you're badass. Stoked to see you dove into the restaurant biz

I love that you push hustle and breaking paradigms. With these two things we can go a long way.

Sometimes the hardest things are what we want the most and we only feel accomplished if we go for them. Most people skip the hard stuff and take whats comfortable.

Your message is simple and beautiful, but it's not in the program people get fed. We have to create our own reality.

You're a hustle gangster

Thanks man! If you love what you are doing AND you hustle... you really can achieve a lot ;)

Good hustling to you sir ;)