What You Should Not Allow To Control You

in #motivation2 months ago

Over the years, I have come to understand that you are responsible for not just the outcome of your life but your future. That is, whatever happens to you is linked to your choices, your decisions, what you allow, and your actions. In order to have a good life that is worthwhile, you need to understand that are things that you should not allow to control you. You have to take a personal responsibility to take a stand against the control that may come from them. Here, we shall take a look at the things to be careful so as not to control you directly or indirectly.


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The first on the list of things not to allow to control you is money. It is true that money is a necessity and a very essential resource, yet it is meant to serve you, not you becoming a servant to it. Money is meant to be a tool, and not a master. It is sad that a lot of people have so much prioritized money that they do not care what they sacrifice to get it - some even go as far as sacrificing values, relationships, dignity, etc, just to acquire money. This is why you see people now use people and love money, when it should be the reverse. Anytime you allow money or any other material possession to take priority over value and other meaningful connections, then you are already being a slave to it.

It is worthy to note that the reason you acquire wealth is to also use it for the betterment of humanity and not just to consume it on your selfish desires. When you understand this, you will not pursue money in a do-or-die way and it will also remove desperation from you. In addition to it, you have to learn how to manage your finances well and do not allow even financial challenges to determine your personality or how you relate with people, and your future. You have to understand that your value and even your future is not tied to the size of your bank account. Remember that success is about finding fulfilment and purpose, rather than just the size of your pocket.

Another thing that is also similar, which you should not allow to control you, is power and position of authority. There are some people that, if they get into power, they will just become an entirely different creature. Some people even ride on their followers and subordinates to do their biddings and then make them go against their wish. No wonder the popular phrase "power intoxicates." What a lot of people do not understand about power is that it can be more transient than you can even imagine. Use your position of people well, so that when you leave, they will have something good to say about you.

The next on the list of what you should not allow to control you is people. People have their own opinion, perceptions, views, and even the way they judge, so do not allow them to becloud you and your sense of reasoning. There is no one that understands you and your dreams well enough like your own self. If you allow other people's opinions to make you to shift from your purpose, then you may not achieve it. It is not a must to surround yourself with certain type of persons - watch who you company with. If they are very manipulative and controlling, then you need to stay clear.


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Your success in life is not tied to the number of people you have sought validation from. So do not do things just to impress people or to seek validation from them. You have to trust more of your judgment to make the right decision and then learn to take responsibilities for the choices that you have made. Have in mind that you are the one that should be the architect of your own life, not someone else dictating how your life will be.

The last point here is; do not allow your past to control you. It is true that your past is part of the journey of your life, but do not allow it to control you nor determine your future. What you can draw from the past are lessons, so that your future can become better. You may have experienced a bad past or may have even made some mistakes, but you have to understand that this is not who you are - you can still achieve your dreams. The past should be kept where it is - in the past, then try to move on. Embrace the present moment, and then make the future to count.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


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Very yrue if money, power and position take over, we start losing our identity slowly and unknowingly. Also true, is the fact of past controlling you. This actually is the end result of upbringing, though not alwayd but sometimes. Better to be yourself and uae wise decisions whenever necessary.

Well said. In order to be yourself, you should not allow money, power, people, and the past to control you.
Thanks for dropping by, buddy @shamis