The Process Of Moving From Who You Are Towards Becoming Who You Want

in #motivation3 months ago

No one achieves anything mind-blowing in life by remaining where they are - when the person is not a tree. For you to achieve greatness, then you have to be ready to leave your place of comfort and do things which, sometimes, might be uncomfortable and scary but very necessary. You will agree with me that growth is a very essential aspect of humanity and of life, which also includes physical, emotional, mental, and many other dimensions. As you grow, you will understand that a new you will have to emerge and you will leave who you used to be in order to be who you want to be.


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If you get too comfortable at a spot, then something is trying to resist you from making progress. Trust me, you can only get to where you want when you have left where you used to be. Of course, no one makes advancement or any reasonable progress by remaining docile in one place. It is true that the person you have become today is a result of your decisions, experiences, habits and choices of the past, but these may not be able to deliver the kind of future that you may want. This is why, for each passing day, you have to try to become an improved version of yourself - get better as the days go back. Work on yourself in order for things to work for you.

There is a point you will get to in life and you will realise that for you to grow, you have to shed off old lifestyles - habits, characters, etc and acquire new ones. This may also include letting go of old friends and acquaintances which may not let you grow and access the next phase of your life. Trust me, some people that come into your life might just be for a season and keeping them longer than they should may cause stagnancy for you. This is not because they are bad people, but because at that point their reason for coming into your life may have been fulfilled and holding on to them might prevent you from going forward.

You also need to know that becoming who you want also requires developing yourself and acquiring new skills, while also making attempts to update and enhance on your current skills. It is worthy to note that the next phase of your life will definitely require certain skills to navigate effectively through it. In fact, as the world moves forward and advances with speed, so also the requirement that is needed to thrive in it will become increased. If the skill you have now is the same skill you possessed a decade ago without upgrading nor adding to it, then you retrogressed. The idea is to get better as the days go by. You may not arrive at your destination in just one day, but keep taking steps towards it.

The journey towards becoming who you want also includes developing a new mindset - a mindset of growth. You cannot grow if your mind does not permit it. The growth you seek for should first reflect in your mind and in the way you think. Whatever you reflect on the outside is a direct manifestation of what goes on in your mind. Your mind is what determines what you act, so anything you want to manifest in terms of actions, which will lead to results, will have to begin from the mind. You have to agree with your mind that you want to become who you want to before you will attain it.


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One thing to also have in mind, as I conclude, is that it is easier to become who you want to be if you are surrounded by the people who look like who you want to become. It is who you follow that will determine who you will become and will also determine what follows you. In order to achieve your dreams, you have to company with the people who have also achieved the same thing that you want, so that they will show you the way to do it. Remember that when you do what someone has done that brought them greatness, you will also experience the same greatness.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all