One of the major reasons why some people have not achieved their dreams or their goals is not because the dream is too big nor because of some limiting forces from outside but because of the force from inside - the force of self-doubt. Each time you want to take a step and a small voice in your mind keeps telling you that you cannot take the step or that you do not have what it takes to succeed at it, just know that it is the voice of self-doubt and you need to put a fight against it. Here we shall look at the steps that one can take to fight and resist the challenges of self-doubt.

The first solution is to recognise the problem and the cause of it. If you do not know that you are doubtful of your ability and you do not even acknowledge the feeling of self-doubt, then you are not ready to fight against it. You cannot overcome an enemy that you are unsure of its existence. A lot of people tend to deny the feeling of their self-doubt and even hide it, thinking that it will solve the problem, but unknown to them, it may even make the problem bigger. You need to go to the root of the problem - ask yourself why you are doubtful and why you are afraid of the step that you want to take.
After acknowledging the cause of the self-doubt, you will understand that a major part of it is resident inside the mind. So the next step that you will take is to challenge and fight against negative thoughts. If you see anyone who doubts their abilities, you will notice that they often think negatively. If you will take the fight to the mind, then you have already positioned yourself to win on the outside. Once you try to notice your negative thought pattern, then try to replace it with positive and good thoughts. Instead of thinking inadequacies and insufficiency, try to think ability and possibility. This will help you to win the war against self-doubt.
When you have resisted the negative thought, then the next step is to focus on the strength that lies within you. There is a strength within you that you need to focus on, not on what you think you lack. As part of your focus on your strengths, you also need to focus on your past achievements, so also to draw strength from them to undertake new tasks, then focus on the skills you have, so that you can unleash them to solve the challenges that come to you. Your area of strength should be where to consolidate on. Someone's strength may not be your own strength and vice versa, so focus on your own.
The next step after resisting negative thoughts is to take actions. This does not mean you do not have fears, but you should take actions irrespective of them. There is nothing that facilitates self-doubt like inaction, but as soon as you start to take actions, then you have already overcome it. Taking action towards your dream, no matter how little it may be, will definitely help to weaken the hold of self-doubt. For example, if you are scared of talking in a large stage, you can start by talking to a few individuals - maybe a group of friends. When you have taken that step, you can go further to a larger audience. Before long, you will see yourself overcome the fear of public speaking that can arise from self-doubt.

The last point is to learn to surround yourself with people that will help you to build self-confidence and support you to fight against self-doubt. Do not company with people who make you to feel less of yourself. The people you stay with will either influence you on the positive side or negative side. Each time you are doubtful of a step or even of yourself, you should find someone who you can trust to share your challenges with and they will provide you with their own perspective on how to solve it. Always remember that you do not have to walk alone when you can have the company of good people.
Thanks for reading
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