Mastering The Techniques Of Stress Management

in #motivation5 months ago

At this point in time that everything is moving in a fast-paced manner, a lot of people are passing through intense pressure which has brought about unimaginable stress. I remember what a friend told me some years back. He came back from work looking so worn-out, and when I asked him what happened, he simply replied that his work has put him into incredible mental stress. Just when I was trying to process the information, he told me that the physical stress he is passing through is nothing compared to the mental stress. He worked as a marketer in his company and they kept giving him insane targets to meet and kept increasing it. This brought about so much stress until it overwhelmed him. Here, we shall take a look at some of the ways by which stress can be effectively and better managed.


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In each day that you leave your house, you will meet people, be faced with many situations, from your work, back at home, with friends and family, and this has the propensity of putting one into one form of stress or the other, which can also manifest in very many ways; like in physical and mental health. The truth is that you may not be able to effectively stop what will bring stress to you, but you can choose how to manage it to prevent yourself from cracking under pressure. One of the ways to manage stress is to find a balance between your work and your healthy personal life. If you allow things of outside to overwhelm you from within, it will bring stress. So you have to learn ways to have a balance between them.

Another way of managing stress is to know when to rest and do it timely. A lot of people do not know when their body is signaling to them to take rest, so they keep working. When they have reached their breaking point and after they have passed extensively through stress, they will crack under the pressure. It is worthy to note that there is a level of relief from stress that you experience when you take some rests. Of course, rest includes sleeping. You will be surprised how long some people can keep awake at night and sometimes, carrying the spillover of day-work into the night and then depriving themselves of good sleep. Trust me, no matter how long you work, there will always be things to be done, so rest.

In addition to resting, you should also try to practice mindfulness. This is simply a way to be present in your present, while you switch off from the worries of the world. There are many things involved in this, like meditation, being calm, mastering your mind over matter, having control of your emotions. I have observed that anytime you set out to meditate, you bring calmness and relaxation to your spirit and soul, thereby reducing stress. Try to make out time to engage in meditation activities as often as required. There was a time I used to be stressed over things that are work-related. It got so much and I lived with it for months until my friend exposed me to meditation and deep-breathing exercise, and it was then that I learnt how to manage stress and it helped me so much.

Another important point to also note in managing of stress is that, in addition to exercising your mind, you have to also complement it by exercising your body. When you take regular body exercise, it tends to relieve stress and then make you to focus less on things that strain you but more on the moment. More so, science has proven that when you engage in exercises, your body will release a kind of hormone called the endorphin, which will filter your body's mood naturally. This is why it is advisable to engage in regular exercise as often as you can. Always have in mind that you are the one to take care of yourself, so do it consciously.


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The final point that can relieve stress is to connect more with people; friends, family, loved ones, etc. The more you stay with them and enjoy their company, the more the pressure within you eases little by little. Do not be in company of people that will make you anxious and put pressure on you but rather in the company of people the will help you to calm down through emotional support and will create a sense of belonging. Remember that your friends can either help you overcome stress or put you into stress. So choose your friends with wisdom.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


When it comes to stress management, we can't actually escape it. The only thing we can do is to put appropriate structures in place to manage it when it comes

How was manage stress is important to our mental well-being. Thanks friend