Indicators Of A Good Character

in #motivation2 months ago

There are things that make an individual who they really are - one of them is character. As a matter of fact, your character is like the real you; your personality which others see and of course, your behaviour. This is why you need to be of a good character. When you see someone act, you can simply determine their character because no matter how they try to hide it, it will definitely show for people to see. Now the question is; what are the indicators to show a good character to test who someone really is? We shall take a look at the key indicators of a good character.


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One of the indicators of a good character is your firmness to uphold value even in the face of pressures that can easily make anyone to compromise. Doing the right thing and upholding value even when you do not feel like it, as long as it is the right thing to do, will become your ultimate test of character. You may not even feel like doing it, but when it becomes necessary, then you need to do it. In fact, what you do will show who you really are.

More so, what you do when no one is watching is also very important - because this will show your true personality. I used to tell people that what you do in secret, when no one is watching, is actually more important, and will define who you are, than what you do when all eyes are on you. You demonstrate high level of integrity when you maintain your rightness and doing the same even when no one is around. You should not be motivated to do good or to live right because you are scared of people or scared of being punished for defaulting, but because your are a better human.

Another indicator of a good character is how you deal and relate with others. This is not measured on how you relate with your bosses and others who are higher than you - who can discipline you for being rude, but how you relate with the people who are your subordinates or lower than you. If you are nice to your bosses in the office or to a selected few, but you are rude to others, like your driver, chef, etc, then your character is questionable and you are not nice at all. If you want to know if someone has a good character, then observe how they relate and treat the people who they do not expect any direct benefits from - like strangers.


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Even when you talk to people, you have to learn communication skills and then maintain a good manner of approach. Not just the context of your words that you speak to people, but the tone also matters and your body languages. You cannot talk to everyone anyhow you want. Your character is a part of you that you cannot hide, so you have to make a conscious effort to build a good character. There are some words that you will say to someone, even as a joke, and they will be hurt beyond what you cannot even understand, so learn to think through words before you speak them. Also remember that the person you are talking to also has emotions and feelings, so do not play with their emotions because it will not make you a better human.

The last indicator of a good character is to be responsible and accountable for your actions. When you know that you will bear the responsibilities for what you do, you will try to do good at all times and of course, it will also make you a good person. You have to understand that your actions, decisions, choices, and even you inactions are part of what form your character, so they have to be done rightly and in good manner. I have come to understand that, more often than not, it is not how people treat you that shows your character but how you respond to them and how you treat them back. Remember that how they act towards you is a show of their own character, but how you respond to them becomes a show of your own character. When dealing with people, you have to show goodness, patience, kindness, and humility, to prove your good character.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all