Money is a concept, you can't really see or touch it(unless you are holding a gold bar in your hand). You can only do that with some physical symbol of it like bank note or a cheque. Bits of paper yes but bits of paper with enormous power.
Anybody can make money, it isn't selective or discriminatory. The lovely thing about money is that it doesn't care who you are and what color you are.

5 things to know about being wealthy
*you have the same right and opportunity as everyone else to have as much as you want.
*you have embarked on a new journey, a new direction it might be worth keeping under your hat
*you can't have money and be spiritual pure because money is the root of all evil. Money is dirty
*Being wealthy means you end up with a heart problem, insomnia and other stress related disorders
*Dont make money by being bad money downer buy happiness


Money is okay
Wanting money is okay
Being wealthy is okay
I am going to be wealthy and I am prepared to put in the work


How can you say, having money makes you have heart problems

If you are wealthy you will be surrounded by so many people wanting you to help them. You will keep thinking about helping them and you will still keep thinking about how to make more money either from your business or anything. You will be full of so many thoughts it might be positive or negatives. When we think a lot we develop a kind of health problem. The more you have money the less you get to be sleeping. Not sleeping regularly can easily cause kidney failure as well. I submit tentatively

Yes once you put your mind to it, you can make an honest living.

Yeah that's true